Fieldwork in Practice: Survival Kit
SALC Graduate School Conference Room (Ellen Wilkinson Building, C1.18).
5 February 2019 from 11am – 1pm.
Marco Biasioli
PhD – The University of Manchester
Fieldwork is one of the key stages of a PhD, but researchers often fail to exploit its full potential because they underestimate how important it is. Collecting good and satisfying data depends in the first instance on your organisational and psychological skills: you need to carefully prepare what to ask, how to ask it, and whom to ask it to. Intertwined with this, you need three things: your supervisor’s input, support and participation; an ethics approval; money. But above all, you need to be practical. In this workshop, then, we shall discuss how to:
- Get advice from your supervisor
- Write an ethics application (that gets approved)
- Ask for funding
- Choose your contacts
- Approach your contacts
- Manage your contacts
- Get useful information from your contacts
- Store and protect your data
- Work out/on/with your data
Practical examples based on first-hand experience will be provided.