LLN survey of PhD students working on correspondence
Dear all,
I am writing you on behalf of the nascent Manchester Centre for Correspondence Studies, which is developing out of the Lives and Afterlives of Letters Network.
We are currently gathering information on the breadth and depth of research on correspondence taking place across SALC and other parts of the University. We would be grateful to know more about research that PhD students are (or have been in the past 5 years) working on involving correspondence. Whether as a major focus or in part, we would love to hear from you. Please submit the details of your PhD projects via this form:
If you have difficulty submitting the information via the forms, please send the details requested in the forms to oscar.seip@manchester.ac.uk
Please note that all the information we gather is for internal purposes only and will not be made public without the explicit consent of the owner.
For more information on the Centre and the Network please visit our website:
With kind regards,
Oscar Seip
Project Member of the Lives of Letters Network