Call for papers: ATHE theory & criticism graduate student essay contest – deadline extended
New deadline 7 April, 2019
Call for Papers: ATHE Theory & Criticism Graduate Student Essay Contest
The Theory and Criticism Focus Group seeks papers for its Graduate Student Essay Contest. The contest presents an exciting opportunity for an emerging performance and theatre studies scholar. It introduces the writer of the winning essay to the ATHE conference and provides them with a showcase for their work. With these goals in mind, the contest prizes are intended to lift financial burdens, offer feedback on the student’s work, and afford them books and journals connected to their particular interests.
The winning scholar will receive:
- ATHE 2019 conference fee (pending approval)
- The opportunity to participate in a Theory and Criticism-sponsored roundtable
- A mentoring session with a senior scholar at ATHE 2019
- A one-year’s subscription to the Routledge journal of their choice
- A Routledge book of their choice
Submissions due: Deadline extended to Sunday, 7 April, 2019
Submissions can address any aspect of theory or criticism relating to performance, theatre, or dramatic literature. Essays should be unpublished and conference length (no more than 4000 words). The contest is open to any current graduate student whether or not they have previously presented at ATHE. Please remove your name from the submission and attach a separate cover letter with your name and the title of your essay.
Papers will be judged on originality of research and argument, sophistication of engagement with theory and criticism, and quality of writing. Theory & Criticism focus group officers will judge the papers. A winner will be announced in May 2019.
Please send submissions to: Hannah Rackow ( and Nic Hamel (nichamel@utexas.ed u)