Volunteers for study needed
I am conducting a study for my PhD project, and I am in need of participants.
Study Information: The study is anonymous, and it involves the collection of auditory-data evaluations.
Location: The study is conducted at the Phonetics laboratory (S1.24), or the Psycholinguistics laboratory (NG.15), depending on room availability, in the Samuel Alexander Building, at The University of Manchester.
Duration: From consent to completion, the study should not take more than 40 minutes.
Compensation: You will be paid £5 for your participation in this study.
Eligibility Criteria: To participate you need to meet all five of the following requirements. Particularly, you need to be:
1. A native English speaker who has been born and raised in England; and
2. Who is an undergraduate or postgraduate student at Manchester Metropolitan University, The University of Manchester, or the University of Salford; and
3. Who is between the ages of 18 and 30; and
4. Who does not study and has no background in Languages or Linguistics; and
5. Who has not already participated in a previous study by the same researcher.
Contact Information: If you are eligible and interested in participating, email me at maria.chioti@manchester.ac.uk.
For more information, visit the following Google Docs link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1B6ypjnY0-7H2JkTlBZvXjQKoPeV6b2MkCL261m-TSf8/edit?usp=sharing
Kind regards,
Mary Chioti