Research IT Updates
Analysing Tweets from Twitter
Twitter has just announced a new programme to allow researchers to interact with Twitter to extract data for research purposes. In this blog Peter Crowther, a Research Software Engineer in Research IT, gives an introduction to interacting with Twitter programmatically and what these latest changes mean for researchers.
Mobile Service features in “Research On the Go”
Research Software Engineer (RSE) Patricia Barnby and Mobile Development Service (MDS) lead Adrian Harwood were recently guest panellists on the popular Society of Research Software Engineering webinar series where they discussed how RSE groups handle the growing demand for mobile apps from researchers.
Research IT Virtual Drop-in Session 3 March
At Research IT we know how busy researchers are, and how talking face to face can be the easiest way to communicate a problem or complex research idea. That’s why every other Wednesday in term-time we host virtual drop-in sessions so you can talk to our experts about anything research computing related.
Research Lifecycle Updates
Have you used Overleaf? Let us know what you think!
The Research Lifecycle Programme launched Overleaf Pro at the University last summer. Overleaf is the tool of choice for many who would like to use a collaborative, online LaTeX / Rich Text editor for their work or research projects.
The team are now reviewing the tool post-implementation and would like to know what you think about Overleaf and whether you have any suggestions on how it could be improved. To let the team know what you think, take part in the short survey below. It should take no more than 5 minutes to complete.
The team are also interested in hearing your thoughts in more detail to get a better understanding of what’s working well and what needs to be developed further. If you are happy to discuss your feedback with the team, you can opt to leave your email address at the end of the survey.
Update on the Research Costing Tool
The research costing tool project in the Research Lifecycle Programme aims to improve the University’s ability to accurately cost research activity and will allow staff to model costs throughout the lifecycle of a research project. A product called BlackDackel, a web-based tool will be implemented at the University.
As the launch draws closer, the team are working on training and guidance materials which will be made available to all users.
Update on the Research Lifecycle Programme’s 2020/21 focus areas
The Research Lifecycle Programme (RLP) is a series of investments of over £15 million. The overarching goal of the programme is to uplift research support in the University, to help researchers focus more on their research and remove administrative and technological barriers from their way.
Following the programme’s last update, find out where the projects are up to in the three programme streams: Research Information, Research Processes and e-Research Infrastructure.