Survey: Understanding demand for a social media data archive and your views on changes to REDCap
Survey: Understanding demand for a social media data archive
Discussions with various research groups and divisions has highlighted that there is growing demand for access to a social media data archive/repository and data collection and analysis tools at the University. A social media archive is typically used to store social media data and metadata (eg tweets, Facebook posts etc.)
As a result of this, the Research Lifecycle Programme (RLP) are undertaking an exploratory review to build a better picture of the use of social media across the University’s research community.
The RLP team have put together a short survey to understand how social media data is collected, curated, stored and analysed at the University, and to better understand the high level needs and requirements of those working directly or indirectly with social media data.
The survey should take approximately 5-10 minutes to complete and will close on Thursday, 30 September.
Your views on changes to REDCap
The Research Lifecycle Programme (RLP) would like your views on something which is changing in REDCap. Currently REDCap is used by a small number of researchers across the University. It is anticipated that once the new service is rolled out and publicised to the wider University, there will be an increase in users. The RLP are exploring a cost model in order for us to sustain the effort to provide the requisite support.
The majority of UK Higher Education institutions already charge a fee for the use of REDCap (or in the process of doing so). If this is something that you have views on, the RLP welcomes them. Please get in touch with Carly Moseley to discuss further:
- Carly Moseley, Business Change Manager –
The project’s recent update can be found below, including information on the launch date moving to early October.