Internal Call for UoM Equality Diversity Inclusion “Perera” Fellowships – Deadline 19 Jan 2022
Internal Call for UoM Equality Diversity Inclusion “Perera” Fellowships – Deadline 19 Jan 2022
The University of Manchester is fully committed to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) and recognises that our success in research and innovation hinges on attracting and supporting a diverse research community that’s reflective of our society. Therefore we are accelerating efforts to tackle barriers to academic career progression and working toward diversifying our senior research leadership.
One of the positive measures we are taking is the launch of the University of Manchester EDI “Perera” Fellowships. This new fellowship aims to support talented post PhD researchers from under-represented groups and researchers who have been particularly impacted by the COVID19 pandemic. EDI “Perera” fellows will be supported to progress their research ideas, develop research independence and secure external follow on fellowship funding,
Please note:
- There are up to 6 awards available which will provide pump prime research funding and salary for a maximum of 12 months (applicants can be full or part time but funding needs to be spent and finished before 31st March 2023).
- The maximum amount that can be awarded per fellowship is £50k.
- The scheme is open to researchers across the University and applicants from our target group will be considered as part of our usual recruitment processes with fellowships being awarded on merit.
- This is an internal call across all three faculties.
- Please ensure your research fits the Wellcome remit.
This fellowship scheme is funded by the University of Manchester with match funding from the Wellcome Institutional Strategic Support Fund. The scheme was inspired by the vision of Prof Katharine Perera, who was one of the first women Professors at Manchester to hold senior office as Pro-Vice Chancellor. Katharine Perera was a mentor and inspiration to countless students and staff and a passionate advocate for EDI in higher education leading our first Athena Swan, gender equality charter award.
Applicants wishing to seek advice on their application may contact
Please submit a completed application form to
Please do not submit a CV – all CV aspects are covered within the form.
Deadline for applications: Wednesday 19th January 2022, 12pm
Review of applications, including panel meeting: 20th – 28th January 2022
Interviews: w/c 7th February 2022
It is acknowledged that having a call for applications over the Christmas period is not optimal, but this is due to the funding restrictions for the ISSF award in terms of the end date of the award. We have given as much time as is possible to give candidates sufficient time to develop and submit an application.