Careers / Population Health placement

The Careers / Population Health placement is a Year 5 placement that starts after students have sat finals.

This is a clinical placement with additional Careers and Population Health learning objectives that are assessed in the form of two short reflective pieces. Students should consider healthcare needs of the population groups encountered, and reflect on their own career aspirations.

What the placement involves

One student will attend your practice for four weeks. Students should be timetabled for eight clinical sessions per week. There should be a minimum of four patient-facing clinics with close supervision in preparation for F1. Four sessions can be flexible and could include both clinical and non-clinical experiences to help them achieve their careers and population health objectives. 

For example:

  • GP with a speciality interest (GPwSI) sessions
  • Community services e.g. heart failure nurses; outreach services; mental health, alcohol and drug services; community paediatrics; MDT meetings and OOHs
  • Seeing patients with palliative care conditions/hospice work
  • Investigating services available to the practice population, including third sector services
  • Specific chronic disease management e.g. diabetes and learning disabilities
  • Social prescribing assessments and working with team members linked to practice providing holistic care e.g. health visitors, community matrons, care coordinators.

Students can also attend NHS locality meetings, considering resource allocation. They can attend patient and carers’ groups, and experience ‘new models of care’ including intermediate care, respite care and social services, with supervision. This will be dependent on the services each practice has.

Two sessions per week are assigned to personal study and remote learning. Mandatory online webinars occur on Wednesday afternoons in the block. The students do not need to be in practice for this.

GP responsibilities

You will:

  • meet the students for induction at the start of the placement to agree a timetable and suitable learning objectives
  • provide opportunities to complete mandatory sign-offs
  • complete a mid-placement review and end of placement sign-off
  • timetable four patient-facing clinical sessions per week, and four flexible clinical sessions per week to accommodate the specific Career / Population Health learning objectives
  • provide feedback on attendance and engagement
  • mark two short reflective piece (500 words each) on the student iPad

Support for GPs

Career / Population Health supervisors will have access to online training and ongoing support from the CBME team. Additional opportunities are available to attend organised University educational events.

Dates for 2024-25

There will be two blocks running this year

  • 24.03.25 – (Thurs) 17.04.25 
  • (Tues) 22.04.25 – 16.05.25


Payment will be £2201.50 per student.

Contact us

Get in touch to sign up or ask a question:

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