Research opportunities
We are interested to receive applications from ambitious individuals keen to pursue research interests in Geoenvironmental Engineering at The University of Manchester. Our research focus is currently on advancing the understanding of engineering behavior of porous materials (including swelling clays, fractured rock, biochar and cement) for applications in energy and the environment through experimental investigations and computational modelling. Topics include:
- Advanced cement-based barriers for leakage and remediation control
- Biochar applications in geoenvironmental engineering and agricultural systems
- Clay barriers for geoenvironmental applications (eg. geological disposal of HLW)
- Computational modelling of coupled thermal, hydraulic, chemical and mechanical behaviour of unsaturated soils
- Hydro-mechanical processes in porous media
- Modelling climate change impact on geotechnical infrastructure
- Reactive transport modelling of chemicals and gas in unsaturated porous media
- Soil-structure interaction under extreme loading conditions
- Use of agriculture waste in geotechnical infrastructure projects
Alternatively follow the link below to use FindaPhD for funded opportunities:
Use FindaPhD’s filters to discover funded PhD projects that align with MACE’s areas of expertise.
Funding and further enquiries
Various sources of PhD funding are also available.
For more information on PhD project topics available that may be developed further in discussion with academics to align with your interests and expertise please see individual staff pages.
For general queries about funding and how to apply please contact the Student Recruitment and Admissions Team.
Martin Lockey
Senior Postgraduate Admissions Administrator
George Begg Building – B15
0161 275 4345
Our research
Discover the range of our research topics in geoenvironmental engineering.
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