Browser Preferences

Here you’ll find which web browsers are recommended for use with our core tools. For full details on browser versions and operating systems please use the links provided.

It is generally recommended that you use the most recent two stable releases of browsers.  You can check if your browser is up-to-date here.


Tool Recommended Supported Not Recommended / Not Supported
Adobe Spark Page Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge Check here that you are using a supported browser Internet Explorer (all versions)
Blackboard Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari Check here that you are using a supported browser Internet Explorer (all versions)
Box of Broadcasts Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, IE11 Check here that you are using a supported browser Earlier versions of these browsers may work but are not supported
Collaborate Ultra Chrome, Firefox Check here that you are using a supported browser Limitations – Application Sharing
Internet Explorer (all versions)
LibraryH3lp Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, Opera, IE11 Check here that you are using a supported browser Internet Explorer (older than 11)
Mobius Chrome, Firefox, Safari Check here that you are using a supported browser Safari does not support proctored tests
Internet Explorer (all versions)
Padlet Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge Check here that you are using a supported browser Internet Explorer (all versions)
Piazza Chrome, Firefox, Edge Check here that you are using a supported browser (as Blackboard) Internet Explorer (all versions)
Podcast Studio Chrome, Firefox Check here that you are using a supported browser Safari, Edge, Internet Explorer (all versions)
TurningPoint Chrome, Safari, Edge Check here that you are using a supported browser Firefox, Internet Explorer (all versions)
Turnitin Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge Check here that you are using a supported browser Internet Explorer (all versions)
VoiceThread Chrome, Firefox Check here that you are using a supported browser Safari and Edge do not support audio and video recording.  Internet Explorer (all versions)