Mummy research in Manchester
A variety of research into ancient Egyptian mummies is carried out in Manchester.
Our work uses lots of different techniques and involves a lot of different experts, including scientists, archaeologists, historians, museum curators and conservators.
These videos will give you some idea of the types of methods that can be used to study mummies, and what can be learned from them. As you will see, it is very important that mummies are curated or cared for properly, and that the studies we carry out cause as little damage as possible to a body.
Resources are suitable for children at various key stages. Please see each individual resource for guidance.
Please be aware that the resources may contain images of ancient mummified remains and skeletons.
The Two Brothers Tomb Group in Manchester Museum
Learn about the discovery of the Two Brothers tomb group, how they came to Manchester and what we now know about the brothers after more research.
Suitable for: Key Stage 2 onwards.
Ancient DNA Studies of the Two Brothers Mummies
Learn about the Two Brothers mummies and how science has helped solve the puzzle of their relationship.
Suitable for: Key Stage 3 onwards.
Ancient DNA Studies at Manchester
Learn about how DNA can be extracted from ancient skeletal and mummified remains for study.
Suitable for: Key Stage 4 onwards.
Behind the Scenes: the Manchester Museum Mummy Store
Take a tour of the Museum Organics Store at Manchester Museum, where most of the ancient Egyptian mummies are kept. Learn about how mummies are stored and why not all of them can be displayed to visitors.
Suitable for: Key Stage 2 onwards.