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Synergistics & the Mind-Lab


Welcome to Synergistics – the art and science of building synergy by collective intelligence, for sustainability, prosperity and resilience, in turbulent times.

And welcome to the Mind-Lab – a space for experimentation on collective intelligence – a.k.a. ‘Laboratory of Collective Intelligence’ or Collaboratorium .  This is open to anyone working on sustainable futures, local and global, with deeper layers of value, wider communities of interest, and further horizons of change…  

Our overall aim is the mapping and design of new systems of human collaboration – in cities, economies, ecologies, technologies, and whole societies – in order to live together on one small planet. This calls for a new operating system, one of emerging collective intelligence  – a Symbio-polis of cities and civilizations.  With this we cab design the pathways beyond  the evolutionary logic of ‘winner takes all’, towards the co-evolutionary logic of “winners are all”. 

The source-book for these ideas is a handbook for the perils and promises of the 21st century – ‘Deeper City and the pathways from smart to wise’  (here are some reviews). 

On this site you will find 4 main menus (each with an overview below) –

  • Collaboratorium  – a long name for the Mind-Lab – an experimental zone for learning & thinking on collective intelligence.
  • Themes – 5 main programs including ‘cities, ecologies and technologies’, with a Foresight 3.0 program on the overlap.
  • Projects – recent and ongoing projects which explore & demonstrate the potential of collective intelligence
  • Toolkits – a set of practical methods, tools, examples and guidance:

Also you are invited to join the Mind-Lab community for updates & invitations

News & events

  • As a modest contribution to Asia-Pacific futures – the Deeper City book is now available in Vietnamese at Thanh-pho-sau-hon …. (Chinese version is in discussion..)


2024 events

Future-wise / city-wise themes:

Eco-wise theme:

  • ‘Beyond & between – the global compendium of Peri-Urban-Rural Linkages’ – Nov 5th 1630-1730 EEST, Urban Library room B: global launch of the report to UN Habitat, as the final output of the Peri-cene project, based on the partner cities, from Surabaya to Santiago
  • Net-zero city challenge – writing / capacity building workshop, Barcelona: 28-29th October:  with Universitat Internacional de Catalunya and Urban Resilience Research Network: (details shortly)
  • Food systems mapping workshop, 30th October: presentation for Public Health Wales, based on the systems approach to environmental policy project for Natural Resources Wales.
  • Resilience Forum: 26th June. 1300 (hybrid) –  with Prof. Jorge Inzulza of the University of Chile. With an interactive process of mapping ‘collective resilience intelligence’, we aim to generate future collaborations.  Details – Synergistics | Resilience 3.0
  • Circular Economy Ukraine & the ‘collective circular intelligence’:  workshop with the UN Industrial Development Organization, April 17th 2024 at the World Circular Economy Forum – – presenting our Foresight report on Circular Economy Ukraine . 


2023 events

City-wise theme

Future-wise theme

  • Foresight 3.0 Indonesia August 4-10th 2023: this aims to contribute to the Ministry of National Development Planning (Bappenas). Locations are in Malang, Yogyakarta & Jakarta, with the Nalar Institute ( and Centre for Innovation Policy & Governance (
  •  Foresight 3.0 Special Issue Launch 13th April 2023.  Exploring the theme of ‘collective foresight intelligence’ this issue is nearly complete – launch expected in July 2024. See  foresight-3-0-special-issue/

 Climate-wise theme:

  • Eco-wars-3.0   exploring the interface of climate tipping points & societal tipping points: Sept 29th 2023, 1600 BST:  open meeting pre-COP 28 for synthesis & ‘summary for policy-makers’.
  • How to survive the 21st century’ – workshop 21st July 2023, Manchester: for the China-UK project on International Resilient Cities, we bring new methods of risk / resilience analysis, to look beyond the city limits at whole urban / peri / regional systems. The enquiry continues with a follow-on workshop in Changsha 21st Details –



Welcome to the book

The book is about the Symbio-polis – shorthand for the co-evolution, not only of material cities but the civilization which produces them – of which there are many deeper layers in the deeper city…. 

So the book aimed high – to visualize challenges and forward pathways, in text, system mapping, and visualizations – here are various materials –


A wider set of resources are shared with the visual thinking ‘sand-pit’ of Urban-3.0 –  further samples from  The Book:    the Mind Games and Political Games with visual storylines : background on the  Synergistics ideas & methods: deeper and wider insights and experiments in Visual Thinking.)


Welcome to the Collaboratorium

In this Collaboratorium / Mind-Lab  we aim to explore the frontiers and principles of ‘collective intelligence’, its methods and tools, and practical applications.  We aim to demonstrate the pathways forward, with analysis, examples, guidance, methods & tools.

Following a first phase of experimentation (2020-22), a forward plan is now forming with 4 main strands:

  1. Projects & case studies: experiments & applications, new & ongoing: some have open invitations to participate
  2. Community & dialogue: debates and symposia, ‘lab tours’, online comment;
  3. Research & publication: compile special issues and a multi-author ‘CI-Book’ (‘collective intelligence book of online knowledge’);
  4. Policy & practice: disseminate results, methods & tools, with ‘white papers’ & practical guides.

This is planned as a multi-year program, exploring a range of topics in 4 key themes and their intersections:

  • City-wise theme: ‘Peri-urban-wise’ & MCR-wise’
  • Smart-wise theme: ‘CHAI-wise’ & ‘Local-wise’
  • Eco-wise theme : ‘Climate-wise’ & ‘Bio-wise’.
  • Foresight 3.0’ is at the intersection of these clusters, with studies on collective intelligence, futures methods & applications: (also, ‘Pandemonics-3.0’ was a key focus 2020-22). 


Forward thinkers and interested co-authors are invited to join these workshops as they come up on the links. 

For comments or queries, contact


Virtual hub

Through the pandemic, the Collaboratorium provided a unique 3D virtual hub / meeting place / coffee bar / water garden and lookout point – (designed by the Visioning Lab/ on a platform courtesy of Mozilla Hubs).

With an inspiring set of spaces, based on ‘earth / air / fire / water’ cosmology, this was perfect for informal networking after intensive meetings…. However Mozilla sadly closed down this platform in spring 2024.

We are looking at options for a next generation virtual space – details coming shortly…


Welcome to the projects

Here the synergistic methods are being developed and tested in a range of projects, large and small, from around the world. This is basically the inhouse Collaboratorium – the experimental zone of a ‘collective intelligence laboratory’.

New projects & initiatives

  • Foresight 3.0 Ukraine circular economy – working with UNIDO on the longer term prospects for Ukraine as a innovative and sustainable circular economy
  • International resilient cities  – China-UK project: exploring new methods of risk / resilience analysis, to look beyond the city limits at whole urban / peri-urban linkage systems.
  • Eco-wars-3.0 – This unique and very topical project explores the interactions of climate tipping points with human tipping points. Each side is hyper-complex, volatile & vulnerable – with the synergistic approach, we invite participants for co-production of a ‘collective climatic intelligence’ .
  • Ground zone / Liveable city toolkit:  The Ground Zone project is an Innovation Lab collaboration between the Manchester Urban Institute, and architects / designers Callison RTKL
  • Local-wise – (Urban participatory research & knowledge loops) – exploring new forms of urban knowledge in Living Lab context, and how they are co-produced between research, policy, business and civil society.  

Welcome to the toolkit

The Synergistic Toolkit is designed for working with complex inter-connected problems. It shows how to turn a ‘Nexus’ of contradictions, into a ‘Connexus’ of opportunities. It’s an evolving package of methods, tools, techniques, and templates.

The Toolkit helps to understand a complex present, and explore the pathways to opportunities in the future. It works generally with a 4 stage process – ‘Systems / scenarios / synergies / strategies’.

Each is the starting point for key questions…  these can be very complex – but also very simple… for example this series is used in many projects, with visual templates to support each question –

– what is our problem?? (who, what, why etc)

– what might change?? (in 5 / 10 / 20 years etc)

– what is our vision?? (in 5 / 10 / 20 years etc)

– how to achieve it ?? (who, what, how much etc)



First we explore the wider and deeper nature of the problem.
Find out more


Second we look at the forces of change and future uncertainty.
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Third we look for visions and shared opportunities between all.
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Finally we turn the visions into pathways for strategy and action.
Find out more