Cityverse Pathways – platform & toolkit
Co-creating ‘collective urban intelligence’ with the Citiverse Lab platform and Pathways toolkit
A collaboration of the Manchester Urban Institute and Guangzhou Institute for Urban Innovation
This is a hands-on training workshop at the World Urban Forum, Nov 4-8th in Cairo, based on the emerging Cityverse models and pathways toolkit.
We provide practical methods & tools for combining (a) the Citiverse digital-human interface, and (b) urban foresight for transformation. This is all in the context & bigger picture of ‘collective urban intelligence’, with a wider community, deeper values & further horizons.
To meet current and future challenges and realize sustainable development for all, we need to constantly innovate, anticipate future trends and issues and enhance the ‘collective urban intelligence’.
This training on ‘Co-creating collective urban intelligence and the citiverse’ provides real life examples, demonstrations and use cases with the Citiverse Lab and the Pathways Toolkit. The session covers digital-human platform design, policy-citizen applications, foresight processes, synergy mapping & co-production in practice.
This training provides examples, demonstrations and case studies:
- Context – ‘collective urban intelligence’ & the ‘citiverse’
- human-digital platform design for policy-citizen-business-civil society interactions
- foresight / co-creation processes, techniques, applications
- synergy & pathway mapping for collaborative governance & co-production.
- practical examples from the Citi-verse Lab and the Pathways Toolkit.
The session starts with short presentations from the panel: interactive sub-groups ‘learn by doing’: then a final review and discussion:
(45 mins): introduction & outlines
- Context – ‘collective urban intelligence’ & ‘citi-verse’: brief introductions (You & Ravetz)
- Citi-verse human-digital platform design for policy-citizen-business-civil society interactions: (de Werna & Natarajan);
- Pathways Toolkit – foresight / co-creation processes, techniques, applications: with pathway mapping for co-governance & co-production. (Rajan & Ravetz)
- examples from Citi-verse Lab / Pathways Toolkit, e.g. Bontang, Kampala, Sao Paolo, Buenos Aires, Moscow, Guangzhou, eThekwini, Dubai, Tampere, Mannheim.
(45 min): interactive sub-groups on above examples:
- a) Scoping & systems: ‘what & who is the problem?’
- b) Scenarios & changes: ‘what possible futures?’
- c) Synergies & visions: ‘what are the goals & potentials?’
- d) Strategies & Pathways: ‘how do we achieve them?’
(30 min) – review, synthesis, ways forward
- sub-group reports
- challenges & opportunities
- resources & next steps
This event is one of many in the Mind-Lab (Laboratory for Collective Intelligence) developed over several decades. Manchester Urban Institute is an inter-disciplinary platform with action research, living laboratories & science-policy interfaces. It hosts the Mind-Lab (‘Laboratory for collective intelligence’) with programs of foresight training, policy innovation, capacity building etc.
The GIUI which runs the Citiverse lab continuously monitors the application of digital tools and AI in cities around the world. Participants to the event are invited to subscribe to the newsletter for free to be periodically updated on latest development, and progress being made by existing and new use cases. The Guangzhou Institute for Urban Innovation is the thought leader behind the Guangzhou Award for Urban Innovation, with use cases & lessons for training. leadership & capacity development via peer -learning & city-to-city cooperation.