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The Synergistic Web-tool pages here are a pilot version for demonstration and testing.

For advice on the Synergistic tools and techniques:

Knowledge mapping

The Bemine ‘Integrated Envisions’ started with a knowledge mapping of the 66 topics (i.e. ‘units of knowledge’), produced by the research partners.

  • Each topic was put on a template, based on the synergistic method, i.e. ‘actors’ & ‘domains’.
  • These were processed by network analysis, to produce a simple ‘knowledge mapping’ of the field.
  • The complete list of topics can be viewed or searched below

The knowledge mapping is then used to explore the ‘Envisions’. These are cross-cutting, innovative combinations of knowledge, bringing new insights on complex, inter-connected, dynamic systems.

Knowledge mapping – ‘Domains’

  • This shows each of the 66 ‘topics’ with up to 3 components, each in different domains (i.e. social, technology, economic, environment, political, cultural, urban). Each component is connected to others in the same topic with ‘topic edges’
  • also the mapping shows ‘domain edges’, which connect between different topics in the same domain;

Generally, this Domain Mapping shows which domains are the most / least covered by the research: which domains are the most / least connected to others: and which domains are the ‘bridges’ which connect between others.

Knowledge mapping – ‘Actors’

  • This Actor Mapping shows each of the 66 ‘topics’ with up to 3 components, each based on the main ‘actors / stakeholders involved (i.e. government, public services, urban planning, civil society, professions, academia, finance, resources, infrastructure, industry, services, community and households / citizens. Each component is connected to others in the same topic with ‘topic edges’
  • also the mapping shows ‘actor edges’, which connect between different topics in the same actor type;

Generally, this mapping shows an approximate picture of a ‘round table’ with 12 main actor types. It shows which actors are the most / least represented: which are most / least connected to others: and which actors are the ‘bridges’ which connect others.