Smart-wise-Local 3.0
Date: Friday 25th June:
- (1245 – virtual coffee at the 3D Smart-wise gallery –
- 1300-1430 – part 1: panel discussion & dialogue
- 1430-1530 – part 2: interactive workshop with potential co-authors
- (1530 – virtual cocktails at the 3D Smart-wise gallery –
Link: (follows registration)
Who is it for: Smart-wise’ researchers & policy innovators
In collaboration: – Manchester City Council
Panel: (tbc): Peter Nijkamp / Karima Kourtit, VU AMsterdam: Marianna Cavada, Lancaster Institute for Creative Arts; Beth Perry, Univ Sheffield; Patrick Hanfling, Manchester City Council; Aura Istrate, UC Dublin: Krassi Paskaleva, Alliance Manchester Business School; Jonas Bylund, JPI Urban Europe: Joe Ravetz (coordinator).
Many voted to ‘take back control’ – but what is this control, and where is it taken? If ‘local’ is the priority, what does this mean in an age of global networks and mobilities? This session follows on the Smart-wise cities 3.0 workshop in February, and the themes we flagged up for exploration: youth, gaming, creative economies, future visioning.
Here the focus is on the very local – the smart-wise neighbourhood – a practical agenda on how digital technology can enable or even transform the ‘collective local intelligence’. On that note we explore some huge but practical questions;
- How would a ‘smart-wise-local’ in Manchester (or other), look and work in 2050?
- What are the implications of the pandemic?
- How to design ‘smart-wise local’ technology / human combinations, for ‘collective local intelligence’?
- And then what next? – publication, research, funding, experiments, policy links…
This session brings together leading ‘thinkers & doers’ on the smart-wise local. Some practical contributions come from current local experiments in Manchester and the northwest region.
Outline & program: Smart-wise-local-3.0 – 25-06-21
2D Workspace: – smart-wise (tbc)
3D Gallery: (work in progress)