Smart-wise Metro-scape
mobilizing digital technology for human synergy in the hinterland
Smart cities around the world are emerging as a response to complex technical systems such as energy or transport – where the ‘command and control room’ model seems to work well.
But in reality most cities are expanding into a huge hinterland, physically and/or in social -economic organization, with an emerging metroscape.
Meanwhile the ‘deeper complexity’ (i.e. complexity with multiple layers), of human systems are left to re-organize themselves around the power of the digital connectivity. This can be a powerful catalyst for technical efficiency – but –
- After 20 years of digital innovation in Europe, we now know that AI / IOT / SMAC can only work as much as the structures created by humans – the ‘Collective Human Intelligence’ which has created structures of power, money, knowledge, and shared value of all kinds.
- Manchester for example has pioneered digital city systems since 1990 with the first ‘public host’, but in 30 years we have many more hungry, homeless, depressed, under-employed and insecure…
- Around the world, the digital seems to enable and accelerate the move to urban expansion, peri-urban sprawl, social division and economic polarization
- SO – how to use the power of AI to help build cities and societies which are more sustainable, equal, prosperous and happy for everyone?
- The new frontier again may be with CHAI – ‘Collective Human Artificial Intelligence’ – the combination of ‘smart’ technology with ‘wise’ human systems
- One key application of the CHAI thinking is in the wider metro-scape – a hinterland beyond the normal city limit, both physical and social – an emerging world of cognitive connectivity
- And for this ‘smart-wise metro-scape ’ we are all beginners…
This session aims to build on the previous (Smart-wise cities 3.0 and Smart-wise Local 3.0 ): and also the ongoing dialogue with the International AI City Forum in Shanghai, at the World Artificial Intelligence Conference, with the Shanghai Smart City Development Institute – (July 9th).
in this session we explore emerging opportunities on the human / digital frontier of ‘how society works’ – public services, governance & wider civil society, social enterprise. We focus on:
- ‘Smarter’ forms of digital governance & social enterprise: gaming, mapping, platforming – with inter-connections to –
- ‘Wiser’ forms of human governance & social enterprise: collaborative, learning, inclusive etc – which grow the ‘collective local intelligence’ –
Date: Friday 3rd December 2021
- (1245 – virtual coffee at the 3D Smart-wise gallery –
- 1300-1430 – part 1: panel discussion & dialogue
- 1430-1530 – part 2: interactive workshop with potential co-authors
- (1530 – virtual cocktails at the 3D Smart-wise gallery –
Details to follow
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