The READY Study
READY stands for Recording Emerging Adulthood in Deaf Youth. This is a research study following over 500 young deaf people from a wide variety of backgrounds living in England, Scotland or Wales. Aged at least 16 at the point they join the study, they will be contacted each year for five years.
The results will help us to understand better how to support young deaf people to achieve their goals on their way to becoming independent adults.
Taking part
If you want to join The READY Study, please complete this survey.
What is “The READY Study”?
The READY Study will follow at least 500 young deaf people over five years to find out more about the varied pathways they take after the age of 16. This includes discovering what influences their choices and opportunities and what kinds of outcomes they achieve. By ‘deaf’ we mean any young person with any degree or kind of permanent deafness or hearing loss. These young people may or may not use hearing technologies such as hearing aids or cochlear implants and some of them will be sign language users.
The kinds of outcomes The READY Study will record are not just those associated with education or employment. We are also interested in how young people’s social networks and friendship groups may change, their wellbeing and what helps in achieving independence and making life choices they are happy with. The results of the study will be invaluable for service providers, parents/families and young deaf people themselves in understanding what can make a positive difference on the pathway from childhood to adulthood.
What will participants have to do?
Young deaf people may enter the study when they are 16, 17, 18 or 19 years old (right up to their 20th birthday). 15 year olds may also be able to join, providing they turn 16 before our recruitment phase closes. They are contacted once every year for five years to complete a survey and take some short tests. Up to 50 participants will also be invited to take part in a short interview. Participation in all parts of the study is offered in:
- Written English.
- Sign supported spoken English.
- British Sign Language.
- Written Welsh.
- Sign supported spoken Welsh.
Who can take part?
We are looking for a minimum of 500 young deaf people to take part in this study. We are interested in participants with a wide range of deafness/hearing loss from those with a mild loss up to those who are profoundly deaf. If you are only deaf in one ear, you may still be eligible to take part.
We are interested in young deaf people who speak and those who sign. We welcome participants from any background but you do need to be living in England, Scotland or Wales.
To find out if you are eligible to take part, you need to only answer three questions.
How can I find out more?
There is a lot more information about the study under the Information for young people tab and in the Resources sections. Some of this information is relevant for young deaf people, some of it is relevant for parents/families and some of it is relevant for professionals. If you are a young deaf person and have clicked the box below to find out if you are eligible, you will receive a special link to where you can find a lot more detailed information. This is to help you to decide if you really want to take part and what participation means in detail. You can also contact us directly or write us to The READY Study email.
A project by
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