Does your NHS role involve direct patient contact and care provision?
You can help us to:
- Understand the psychological impact of COVID-19 on NHS staff;
- Determine the best way to support staff wellbeing and mental health;
- Improve staff resilience, now and in the future.
Please take part in our study now.
About our study
NHS staff and services are working incredibly hard to manage the effects of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic. It is vital that we understand the psychological impact on NHS staff so that we can put the right support in place.
We will use the findings of this research to inform the development of mental health and wellbeing support services for NHS staff.
You can help by taking part in our research study.
This 30 minute online survey will ask NHS clinical staff about:
- their work and home environments;
- mental health and wellbeing;
- factors such as resilience, self-compassion, and ways of thinking.
You can complete the survey as a one-off, or you can help us to understand the impact on NHS staff over time by agreeing to be contacted again in the future by our research team.
Taking part
You can participate if you are an NHS clinical member of staff, whose job role involves direct patient contact and care provision.
Further information on who can take part is provided below.
Professionals working in England
You will be eligible if you work within:
- Any of the Nightingale Hospitals or other field hospitals;
- Acute non-specialist NHS Trusts;
- Acute specialist NHS Trusts;
- Mental health NHS Trusts;
- NHS community care providers (including NHS Trusts, social enterprises and limited companies);
- Ambulance services / Trusts;
- If you work as agency or locum staff in any of the above organisations.
Professionals in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
You will be eligible if you work within:
- Any of the Nightingale Hospitals or other field hospitals in Scotland, Wales, or Northern Ireland;
- Regional and special NHS Boards in Scotland;
- Local Health Boards and NHS Trusts in Wales;
- Health and Social Care Trusts in Northern Ireland;
- If you work as agency or locum staff in any of the above organisations.
GP practices
- Professionals in GP practices across the UK will also be eligible if their job role involves direct patient contact and care provision.
You are not eligible to take part if:
- You have a non-clinical role in the NHS (e.g. administrators);
- You work in a non-NHS organisation (e.g. a care home);
- You are a public volunteer for the NHS.
Information for participants
Participant information sheet
For further information before completing the survey, please download the information sheet.
Psychological support
If you feel you need some support for your mental health or wellbeing, please download a list of resources.
You can use this even if you decide not to take part in the study. We also recommend that you seek support via your organisation’s occupational health department.
Take part in the survey
Please complete our online survey now. It takes 30 minutes.

Research team
Our team is made up of researchers and clinicians based in NHS Trusts and universities in England.
This research is organised by Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust and The University of Manchester, with collaborators from: the Manchester Resilience Hub; Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust; Manchester Metropolitan University; the University of Sheffield; King’s College London; and Combat Stress.
The study is sponsored by Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust.
Project leads
Dr Kate Allsopp
Complex Trauma and Resilience Research Unit (Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust); Manchester Resilience Hub
Dr Filippo Varese
Complex Trauma and Resilience Research Unit (The University of Manchester)
View research profile
Project team members
The University of Manchester
- Dr Lesley-Anne Carter
- Dr Nathan Smith
- Ms Carolina Campodonico
- Ms Rebecca White
- Ms Betul Yilmaz
- Ms Reem Alharbi
- Ms Sonya Rafiq
- Mr Kyle Lees
Manchester Resilience Hub
- Dr Alan Barrett
Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust
- Dr Gita Bhutani
- Mr David Keane
- Dr Hein Ten-Cate
- Ms Leanne Bird
- Ms Georgia Horne
Manchester Metropolitan University
- Dr Sarah Parry
- Dr Paul French
University of Sheffield
- Professor Richard Bentall
Kings College London
- Dr Victoria Williamson
- Professor Neil Greenberg
Combat Stress
- Dr Dominic Murphy
Contact us
Kate AlIsopp, Principal Investigator
Filippo Varese, Co-principal Investigator