The Effective Home Support in Dementia Care programme investigated how best to provide support at home for people with dementia and their carers.
One of the project’s outputs was a toolkit of materials for NHS and social care staff providing care and support to people living with dementia in their own homes. This was created in collaboration with carers and people with dementia in a Public Patient and Carer Involvement (PPCI) forum.
You can find the toolkit below.
Resource for carers and commissioners
Evidence in Dementia [project link]
We followed up this programme in 2022/23 with a resource for family carers and commissioners, describing the costs and benefits of services to support people with later-stage dementia and their carers at home.
Toolkit for managers and commissioners
This toolkit presents evidence from our research in an easily accessible manner for managers and commissioners. It provides evidence to inform service specification and to redesign and benchmark practice. The toolkit was designed in consultation with stakeholders regarding content and presentation.
Scoping the evidence (PowerPoint, 3MB)
Evaluating the service landscape (PowerPoint, 514KB)
Bridging the memory gap (PowerPoint, 76KB)
Maintaining wellbeing at home (PowerPoint, 76KB)
Preferences for care and support (PowerPoint, 293KB)
Costs and benefits (PowerPoint, 76KB)

About the project
The Effective Home Support in Dementia Care programme ran from 2013 to 2020 and was funded by a National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) Programme Grant for Applied Research.
The project was a collaboration between The University of Manchester, Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust and partner universities.
We considered models of best practice from the literature, the views of people with dementia and their carers, what is currently delivered nationally and the new models that could be provided.
You can also read more about the DESCANT trial, as part of the programme, in the BMJ journal.
Contact us
Dr Paul Clarkson, University of Manchester
Chief Investigator: Effective Home Support in Dementia Care