Work programme 1
Health and social care delivery
Work programme 1 focuses on long-term social care with vulnerable populations, older people, carers and those with mental health needs in multiple settings, in the context of social and health care reform.
- A social care based evaluation of COVID-19: Understanding workforce response and effects (The SECURE Study) (November 2020 to December 2023). Leads: Professor Catherine Robinson and Professor Alys Young
- Tailoring Carers’ Assessments in NHS and Adult Social Care to the needs of carers of people living with dementia (January 2022 to December 2023). Lead: Dr Paul Clarkson
- Dementia – Person Aligned Care Team (D-PACT) (November 2018 to November 2023). Lead (Manchester) Dr Paul Clarkson
Projects in this programme focus on the health and social care system, the demands upon it and producing evidence by which system demands can be responded to. Many of the projects study the interface between social care and healthcare and how these systems can interact for the benefits of service users and carers.
The SECURE study, for example, was about the impact of COVID-19 on adult social care and social work services in Greater Manchester. It was a collaboration with the Manchester Combined Authority – which comprises ten local authorities in Greater Manchester, NHS partners, charities and other social care organisations – and the Greater Manchester Social Work Academy. The data collected, and our analyses are being made openly available. This is to help social care and social work services with their forward planning and to make sure that social care can be strong, despite the additional pressures that COVID-19 brought. The study examined the sustainability of learning from the pandemic to ensure the social care sector is resilient to future pressures.
Our partners
- GM Health and Social Care Partnership
- NIHR ARC Greater Manchester
- Thomas Ashton Institute
- Social Work at The University of Manchester
- regional service user and carer partners.
We are tracing, monitoring and understanding changes over time by exploring and understanding the impact of changes on practitioners and organisations providing healthcare, social work and social care to adults. We also are describing and measuring changes in planning and commissioning, recruitment and retention, service changes, staff wellbeing and service collaboration with users and carers.
What we are doing
We are using different data and methods in these projects to describe and inform social care reform. These include online surveys, anonymised routine data, interviews with staff and users and carers.
Our teams
- Catherine Robinson (Co-Lead) – Professor of Social Care, Social Care and Society
- Paul Clarkson (Co-Lead) – Senior Lecturer in Social Care, Social Care and Society
- Rebecca McPhillips – Research Fellow, Social Care and Society
- Jan Owens – Research Fellow, Division of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work (GM-ARC)
- Patricia Cartney – Head of Social Work, Division of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work
- Susan Davies – Research Associate, Social Care and Society
- Amelia Pearson – Research Assistant, Social Care and Society
- Noor Butt – Research Assistant, Social Care and Society