Hearing services professionals
Are you a professional working in or alongside audiology services? Could you give us your perspective on what the barriers to these services exist for individuals with intellectual disabilities and autistic individuals?
About the study
Professionals who work in and alongside audiology services can have great insight as to why some of the barriers to audiological care for different groups exist and what realistic, workable solutions may be.
We are exploring the barriers and challenges adults and children with learning disabilities and autistic adults and children may face when accessing hearing tests or visiting audiology (hearing) services.
We will do this by talking to professionals and carrying out analysis of their responses.
A framework method will be used to support thematic analysis and synthesis of findings from each strand of the project, to deliver a summary of the perspectives of professionals, people with learning disabilities, autistic people, and family members and carers.
Get involved
If you are a professional working in this area and would be interested in talking to us, please do get in touch.
Email: siobhan.brennan@manchester.ac.uk
We are happy to discuss this project with you in more detail and answer any questions you might have.
Participant information sheet