Learning disabilities and hearing services
Are you a person with a learning disability, or a carer or family member of a person with a learning disability who lives in the United Kingdom? Have you accessed or tried to access hearing services? Would you be interested in talking to us?
About the project
We believe that people with learning disabilities, their families, and their carers, should be involved in the planning and delivery of their healthcare services.
We want to speak with adults and children with learning disabilities, and their families and carers, about the barriers they have faced when accessing hearing services (audiology).
We will be holding face-to-face and online focus groups, and online interviews, with people with learning disabilities and their family and carers.
We will use what you say to provide recommendations to hearing professionals on how they can make their services more accessible.
Get involved
If you’d like to take part, please get in touch.
Email: marianne.day@manchester.ac.uk
Tel: 07917605544
We are happy to discuss the project with you and answer any questions before you decide whether you want to take part.
Participant information sheets
Download a participant information sheet to find out more about the study.
- Focus groups for adults with learning disabilities, family members or carers (text version)
- Focus groups for adults with learning disabilities (Easy Read version)
- Interviews for adults with learning disabilities, family members or carers (text version)
- Information for children with learning disabilities (Easy Read version)