Publications and resources
Please find below a list of updates as well as publications and resources relating to this project.
Rogers, K.D., Lovell, K., Bower, P.J., and Armitage, C.J. (2022). What are Deaf sign language users’ experiences as patients in healthcare services?: A scoping review protocol. Inplasy protocol 202210102. doi: 10.37766/inplasy2022.1.0102
Conference presentations
Rogers, K.D. (2019). Does having standardised services and assessment tool for culturally deaf people matter? Deaf Mental Health Care: Working with Cultural and Linguistic Challenges, Salford, England. 12-13th September 2019.
Rogers, K.D. (2021). Development of and testing the reliability and acceptability of the BSL Patient Experience Survey. Poster session presented at the Diversity, Deaf people and Mental Health, British Society for Mental Health and Deafness and St. Andrew’s Healthcare online conference, 29th June 2021.
Rogers, K.D. (2021). To co-design and test a new questionnaire about Deaf patients’ experience of health services. Poster session presented at the 2021 Annual NIHR Academy Members’ Conference, online conference, 23rd-24th November 2021.