
Creative Muslim Women has a growing series of related publications and reports. All the international peer-reviewed articles are available open access by clicking on the links. Other publications, working papers and short reports will be added as the research progresses.

2019, Warren, S. #YourAverageMuslim: Ruptural Geopolitics of British Muslim Women’s Media and Fashion, Political Geography, 69, 118-127. 

2018, Warren, S. ‘Placing Faith in Creative Labour: Muslim Women and Digital Media Work in Britain’, Geoforum, 97, 1-9. For a free copy e-mail:

2018 Warren, S. ‘It’s not just about race and gender – religious stereotypes need tackling too’ The Conversation. Also republished on news at The University of Manchester  and World Economic Forum

2017 Warren, S. and Jones, P. ‘Cultural Policy and Urban Diversity: Resident Perspectives from Birmingham, UK’, Journal of Economic and Social Geography  (online first). For a free copy e-mail:

2017 Warren, S. and Forcer, S. ‘The Birmingham Surrealist Laboratory: unlocking community, religion and the avant-garde in a super-diverse city’ in Zebracki, M. and Palmer, J.  (eds) Public Art Encounters : Art, Space and Identity (Routledge, London), pp. 189-198.

2016 Warren, S. ‘Pluralising the walking interview: researching (im)mobilities with Muslim women‘, Social & Cultural Geography, 18.6, 786-807

2016 Jones, P. and Warren, S. ‘Time, Rhythm and the Creative Economy’, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 41.3, 286-296

2015 Warren, S. and Jones, P. Creative economies, creative communities: Rethinking place, policy and practice (Routledge, London)

2015 Warren, S. and Jones, P. ‘Local governance, disadvantaged communities and cultural intermediation in the creative urban economyEnvironment & Planning C: Government and Policy 33.6, 1738-1752

2015 Perry, B. Smith, K. and Warren, S. ‘Revealing and re-valuing cultural intermediaries in the ‘real’ creative city: Insights from a diary-keeping exercise’, European Journal of Cultural Studies 18.6, 724-740

2015 Warren, S. The State of Cultural Provision for young people aged 0-25 years in Birmingham, Commissioned: Arts Connect West Midlands.

2014 Warren, S. ‘The new town square, the new public sphere: alternatives to neoliberalising cyberspace in India?’, ACME: An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies 13.3,  495-504