Neuroimaging Seminar Series November 2019- January 2020
Tuesdays 3:30 – 4:30pm
Lecture Theatre D, First Floor, Zochonis Building
19th November 2019
Dr Herve Boutin, University of Manchester
The impact of high blood pressure on brain pathology and vasculature in TgF344-AD rats
26th November 2019
Dr Nelson Trujilllo-Barreto, University of Manchester
The discrete logic of the brain – explicit modelling of brain state durations in EEG and MEG
10th December 2019
Prof Karla Miller, Wellcome Centre for Integrative Neuroimaging, Oxford University
Neuroimaging in the UK Biobank: from Discovery Science to Hypothesis Driven Research
7th January 2020
Dr Herve Boutin, University of Manchester
PET imaging with new tracers leucine (protein synthesis) and SV2A (synaptic density)
14th January 2020
21st January 2020 – LECTURE THEATRE C, Ground Floor, Zochonis Building
Christopher Brown, University of Liverpool
28th January 2020
Shruti Garg, University of Manchester
Project discussion meeting