Languages in Fallowfield

Selected ‘Main Languages’ in Fallowfield (Census 2011)

Language No. of Speakers in Fallowfield % of Total Population of Fallowfield
English 12,466 84.4%
Urdu 385 2.6%
Arabic 366 2.5%
Panjabi 201 1.4%
Chinese (all) 115 0.8%
Persian/Farsi 112 0.8%
Somali 106 0.7%
Polish 95 0.6%
Kurdish (incl. Badini, Kurmanji &Sorani) 95 0.6%
Malayalam 43 0.3%
Swahili/Kiswahili 36 0.2%
All usual residents aged 3 and over 14,763 100%


Proficiency in English (amongst those whose ‘main language’ is not English) in Fallowfield (Census 2011)

Proficiency in English No. of Speakers in Fallowfield % of Total Population of Fallowfield
Can Speak English Very Well 991 6.7%
Can Speak English Well 839 5.7%
Cannot Speak English Well 393 2.7%
Cannot Speak English 74 0.5%
All usual residents aged 3 and over 14,763 100%


Top ‘First Languages’ of Primary and Secondary Students Attending School in Fallowfield (School Census 2015)

Languages No. of Students in Fallowfield % of All Students in Fallowfield
English 2,086 56.6%
Urdu 536 14.6%
Arabic 308 8.4%
Somali 212 5.8%
Panjabi 136 3.7%
Bengali (incl. Slyheti) 64 1.7%
All Pupils 3,687 56.6%


Most Common Languages for Interpreter Requests in GP Surgeries in Fallowfield, 2014-15

No recorded data for Fallowfield

Source: Manchester Integrated Care Gateway, 2015