About the study
The Neighbourhoods and Dementia study was funded in the UK under the first Prime Minister’s Challenge on Dementia in 2012.
The eight work programmes were framed around people, spaces and places and had the following overarching aims:
- To address the meanings, experiences, and structure of neighbourhoods for people living with dementia, their care partners and other in-contact-groups and individuals.
- To learn from the process and praxis of making people living with dementia and their care partners core to the research agenda.
- To encourage innovative technological advances in dementia studies and in the development of a neighbourhood model of dementia.
- To build capacity within the research community and the networks of people living with dementia and their care partners.
- To develop the evidence base, methods and measures for understanding the significance of neighbourhoods for people living with dementia and their care partners.
- To create, test and evaluate interventions that are pertinent to a neighbourhood model of dementia.
More information
Full title of the study
Neighbourhoods and Dementia: a mixed methods study (ESRC Grant reference: ES/L001772/1)
Who took part in the study?
In the UK, those universities taking part included Manchester, Lancaster, Stirling, Salford, Liverpool and University College London and in Sweden, from the Centre for Dementia Research in Linköping University.
Different universities led the different work programmes and people living with dementia were placed at the heart of each study, wherever possible. We also had health economics, statistician and IT/software development involvement throughout.
Team values
At a meeting of the work programme leads in Manchester in July 2014 we adopted the following Team Values which were implemented throughout the study:
- To accommodate and respond to the diversity of vision and values of people living with dementia and their care partners.
- To be a supportive, informed and collegic research team/network committed to mutual respect and development.
- To embrace creativity, innovation and shared stories.
- To empower the experience of people living with dementia, their care partners and neighbourhood networks.
To always act within the formally agreed ethical frameworks and boundaries for research work and practice as well as paying attention to the informal, unanticipated and situational ethical issues that might arise in the course of our work.
- People living with dementia and their care partners for taking part in all work programmes and in the study as a whole.
- All those who were employed to work on the study over its five years.
- Community groups and staff for all your help and involvement.
- Our study partners from across all work programmes.
- The Scientific Advisory Committee for the Neighbourhoods and Dementia study (a special thank you to Professor Tom Scharff, Newcastle University who was the Committee Chair).
- Individual research advisory groups on each of the eight work programmes.
- Our study funders for allowing us the opportunity to develop and grow and report on this work.
I’m John Keady from The University of Manchester and I was Chief Investigator to the ESRC/NIHR Neighbourhoods and Dementia study (2014-2019). It is my pleasure to share this website that will keep you up-to-date with the project post-completion. Here you will find an on-going update and summary of the achievements and outputs of all eight work programmes that formed the study, including its dedicated PhD students.
I hope you find the information helpful in taking forward your own work in this important area.
Contact us
If you have any questions about the study, please contact John Keady.
Email: john.keady@manchester.ac.uk
Twitter: @nbdem