How we adapt to online learning – from a student perspective
As we enter the new academic year, every one of us, academics and staff members alike, are now having to adjust to learning being predominantly online. The unfamiliar nature of online teaching can cause a variety of uncertainties and anxieties, but it is important to remember that there are steps you can take to help make sure these do not become too overwhelming.
For many of us, the upcoming semester will be the first time regularly using software such as zoom and Microsoft Teams within an academic environment. However, although these platforms might feel alien initially, once you start to use them regularly you will begin to become more familiar with them! Additionally, the University has compiled a list of guides to using this technology that can be found here, these can be accessed whenever you need and can be an excellent way to ease any potential anxieties.
Keeping Track
Another potentially confusing aspect of blended learning can be keeping track of all your work, with a bunch of different face to face and online commitments creating worries of missing things. A really helpful way to try keep on top of things can be to create an online community with your course mates, doing this will help make sure you are all on the same page and that you are completely up to date with information. Some current students have created a useful video outlining ideas of how to go about this, as well as additional information about the teaching and learning experience this year. As well as this, it is important to note that the academic staff are there to support you, they too will understand the confusing nature of learning this year and will be more than happy to answer any questions and queries you might have.
Working from Home
Another element of online learning that presents a new challenge to most of us is finding the motivation and concentration to learn from home. Throughout Semester 1, studying from home for a significant amount of time will become the new normal, with limited time spent on campus studying or learning. Due to this, it is massively important you get the right balance between work and socialising, ensuring you get yourself in the right frame of mind and environment to fully succeed in your studies. Thankfully, the University has compiled a helpful list of tips to help you get the most from learning at home, all of which are useful to at least considering as you approach remote learning.
Written by Matt, third year History Student