Project Partners and Supporters
“This research is innovative and will provide greater understanding of the needs of deaf young people and their experiences in all aspects of life as they reach adulthood. We hope BAA members will be able to help recruit young people to the study from their Audiology Clinics”.
Sue Falkingham, President of the British Academy of Audiology.
“Auditory Verbal UK is delighted to support The READY Study which will deliver critical insights for politicians, providers of health, education and other services, as well as young people who are deaf and their families. We hope that young people who are deaf with different experiences, backgrounds and needs will all contribute to providing rich data in this important study to break down barriers and improved support across England, Scotland and Wales”.
Anita Grover, CEO Auditory Verbal.
“Action on Hearing Loss is pleased to be supporting this important study. We hope that it will help to inform policy makers, service providers and employers and help enable young people who are deaf or have hearing loss live the life they choose”.
Ayla Ozmen, Head of Research and Policy.
“BATOD is very pleased to support this excellent project looking at how to support young deaf people to develop greater independence. Qualified Teachers of the Deaf greatly benefit from good quality research and their practice is always thereby improved.
There is a great need for in-depth research into this somewhat neglected age group and we are encouraging members and other QToD colleagues to put forward young people for the study. We look forward to following the project as it develops and to publishing articles and blog posts on our website and in our publications.”
Steph Halder, President and Paul Simpson, National Executive Officer.
Signature is proud to be supporting this unique and innovative study. The information gathered from The READY Study will hopefully provide the sector with insightful information about the lives of Deaf individuals, at different stages in their lives. We are excited to follow the results of this study.