Publications and resources

News and Updates

  • The READY Study contributed to See Hear in BBC in an episode about mental health issues among deaf young people, which is available to see in BBC iPlayer (series 43, episode 2). The results from our baseline paper, Introducing the READY Study: DHH Young people’s Well-Being and Self-Determination, provided relevant insight on mental health among d/Deaf people in the UK.
  • Kieran Gemmell, who is part of our fantastic team of young co-enquirers, has taken part in this fun Q&A. Check this note and get to know him better!
  • Tomas Gerrard, one of the young co-enquirers in the READY Study, wrote this column for The Limping Chicken.
  • The independent news site The Meteor published an article about The READY Study. Our co-enquirer Eve Lister commented: “I’m hoping the results of this study will help people in the future to understand young deaf adults more, try to really find out what young deaf people really want, understand the challenges they face, and just be kinder to them and more inclusive”.
  • The READY Study has made appearances in the Scottish press. Our call for participants was covered by The Scotsman, Daily Record and The Edinburgh live.
  • Professor Alys Young was interview by Radio Manchester on 5th October, 2019. You can read the transcript below.
    Newscaster: Researchers at the University of Manchester are looking for hundreds of deaf teenagers to take part in a new 5 years study, they have been asked about their friendships, social networks and aspirations to have Council and Charities and even Deaf Families provide better support. It is one of the biggest studies of its kind anywhere in the world. Professor Alys Young who is leading the research group says: “Low expectations are a big problem”.
    Alys Young:What helps Deaf Young People achieve their goals in life? We are not just interested in things like employment and educational outcomes, we are also interested in things like personal wellbeing, social networks. How Deaf Young People enjoy their lives and be happy.”
  • We invited deaf young people to contribute a drawing or photograph that represents for them the idea of deaf young people growing up and becoming adults to capture the spirit of The READY Study.See the Gallery titled “Growing up, Making choices and Becoming Me”.
  • We are looking for young Deaf people to work with our research team on an exciting new project. Maybe it could it be you? Purpose of this role is to be a co-researcher who contributes to a ground-breaking new study about deaf young people. The role will include working with the research team collecting data, reviewing study materials, advertising the study and advising the research team. Full training and police checks will be provided for applicants. Details of the research study can be found here.

Publications and reports

  • We’re thrilled to share our research article on Political Participation among deaf youth in Great Britain in the peer-reviewed multidisciplinary journal PLoS One. In this research article, we use data from The READY Study to compare the levels of political participation of deaf young people and explore what are the factors driving political participation among youth. We argue that having deaf friends and embracing a deaf identity help us to understand why deaf young people decides to participate. You can use this link to read the open-acess article.
  • We have published our Final Summary Report. After finishing our process of data collection, we have summarised the main findings of The READY Study in this BSL video. You can also get access to the written report published in the NDCS website.
  • We’re excited to announce the publication of our baseline paper in The Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education. This article presents some of the initial findings from the READY study and focuses on the well-being and self-determination of deaf young people. In particular, we delve into the sociodemographic characteristics of the respondents and explore how their levels of well-being and self-determination compare to those of the general population of a similar age. Additionally, we examine the relationship between these two dimensions and shed light on how they interrelate. You can access the full article here.
  • Professor Alys Young shared some preliminary results of The READY Study at the 2021 National Deaf Children Society Conference. Her presentation was titled “Improving self-determination amongst deaf young people: results and perspectives from the READY study”. You can see the recording with BSL interpretation and subtitles.
  • The academic article “Adapting an Online Survey Platform to Permit Translanguaging” (Young, A., Espinoza, F., Dodds, C., Rogers, K. and Giacoppo, R., 2021) has been publisehd by the journal Field Methods. You can access to the full open-access version here.
  • You can find a summary of our progress in this newsletter sent in June 2021.
  • Explore our first year short report. It includes a BSL version.
  • This report summarises our early findings using data collected before the first lockdown enacted on March 2020. Read the report.
  • The READY study features in NDCS Families Magazine, September 2019. You can download the magazine here. The study is featured in an advert on page 4, the NDCS Chief Executive’s column in page 7 and on page 41 as part of a careers campaign article.
  • This is the presentation titled “Deaf young people, emerging adulthood and resilience” by Professor Alys Young at the Deaf Mental Health Conference 2019, 2nd July 2019, London, UK. Download a copy or see it on Slideshare.
  • Academic poster given at the conference: “Deaf Children Now: Changing the Conversation”, June 24th/25th 2019, Manchester, UK. Download poster.
  • This summary of the READY study’s aims, objectives and methods formed the basis of a poster presentation given at the conference: “Deaf Children Now: Changing the Conversation”, June 24th/25th 2019, Manchester, UK. Download presentation.
  • This short article appeared in the BATOD Magazine in November 2018. It provides a brief introductory description of the READY study, its aims and approach. Download article.

Taking part

If you want to join The READY Study, please complete this survey to know if you can take part.