Research impact and leading your career
Friday 7 June 2019
9:30 – 12:30
Those who fund and assess research and universities frequently require applicants to demonstrate the impact of their work in their field, and also in the community, the economy and/or the environment. Likewise, anyone looking to lead a career – whether in research or elsewhere, would be well placed to be able to articulate their desired road ahead as well as identifying steps to take to get there. Through a series of activities, reflection and discussion, this workshop addresses these issues directly.
Specifically, we’ll work on the following:
- Looking briefly at the impact agenda – as viewed from your current perspective
- Working on your personal sense of the impact you want to create through your career
- Identifying important stages and steps to take to start you moving in that direction
- Noting the implications of this work for motivation, effectiveness and commitment
Please note this is an interactive workshop, designed to elicit your answers, and clarify your direction and motivation. We won’t be dwelling on the formal impact agenda or be telling people what to write in their grant applications. So, please come along ready to explore, discuss and contribute, thanks.