British Library webinars for new PhD students
British Library Webinars for New PhD Students
We know that 2020 has been a testing time for everyone, and that challenges are ongoing for researchers and academics at all levels. In light of the ongoing pandemic, we too have had to make significant changes to the Library’s established series of Doctoral Open Days and are now looking forward to engaging with new researchers in a different, but nonetheless engaging and inspirational way.
In early 2021 we will be offering all first-year PhD students the opportunity to hear from our expert staff via a programme of free online webinars. In a series of modules we will explain the practicalities of using the Library and its services, with increased focus on our digital collections and resources.
The webinars will take place every Wednesday afternoon between 14 January and 3 March 2021, starting with a first general introduction and followed by additional events exploring more specific collection areas.
We strongly recommend that all PhD students attend the first module Getting Started: Researching at the British Library on 14 January. Students are then welcome to join as many of the other modules as they are interested in. All modules are free to attend.
The complete programme, and links to register, can be found here.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
With many thanks as always for your ongoing assistance in sharing this offer with your doctoral students,
Best wishes
Robin Saklatvala
Event Manager – Doctoral Open Days