Updates from UoM Research IT
SAGE Concept Grants open for applications
SAGE Publishing are offering grants of up to £15,000 to build or scale up new software tools for social science research. The SAGE Concept Grant program is open for applications until 23 May 2021, inviting proposals for new technological solutions that support the adoption, development and application of established and emerging research methods in the social sciences. If you are interested in taking advantage of our Research Software Engineer team for this call then please get in touch for a chat!
Research IT Virtual Drop-in Session 12 May
At Research IT we know how busy researchers are, and how talking face to face can be the easiest way to communicate a problem or complex research idea. That’s why every other Wednesday in term-time between 2pm and 3pm we host virtual drop-in sessions so you can talk to our experts about anything research computing related.
Want to Start Using Twitter Data in Your Research?
Want to find out more about using Twitter for Researchers? Joseph Allen from the School of Social Science has put together a short video lecture.
General IBM Training For Bede
During Spring 2021 IBM are delivering a series of workshops and training sessions on N8 CIR’s new high-performance GPU computing platform, Bede. If you missed any of the events, videos and copies of the slides from each of these sessions are now available on the N8 CIR website. All UoM researchers can apply for free access to Bede and dedicated support is available from Research IT to help you get your research started.
Research Lifecycle Programme Updates
File Upload feature now available on QualtricsXM
Due to popular demand, the Research Lifecycle Programme has upgraded the University’s Qualtrics licence to include a new feature called ‘File Upload’, which allows survey creators to ask participants to upload a file along with their survey response.
This feature is available to all Qualtrics users at the University. Files can be up to 100MB and a variety of document types are accepted such as PDFs, Word documents, Excel spreadsheets and picture graphics.
Webinar: Introduction to Figshare at The University of Manchester
In summer 2021 the University’s new institutional research data repository, Figshare, will be launched, offering private and collaborative storage and flexible publishing options for research data and resources at every stage of a project.
Further to recent communications about the upcoming launch, the Research Lifecycle Programme and the Library have organised a webinar with Figshare to give researchers, PGRs and interested staff a tour and overview of the repository, ways in which it can be used, and opportunities for questions.
The webinar will take place on Tuesday, 18 May 2021 (10:30 – 11:30am) and will be repeated on Wednesday, 19 May 2021 (11:30am – 12:30pm). A link to attend will be sent out prior to the event.
To book your place on the webinar, please visit:
If you have any further questions at this stage, please get in touch with researchdata@manchester.ac.uk.
Survey: Exploring the usage of and interest in Electronic Lab Notebooks and Laboratory Management Systems
There have been growing interests concerning the adaptation of digital solutions to manage the data and experimental activities associated with the laboratory and core facilities environment. The Research Lifecycle Programme is undertaking an exploratory review to understand the current landscape of the digital lab-based solutions utilised across the University.
In this context, ‘digital lab solution’ is acting as an umbrella term for a variety of systems, perhaps the most common system types being Lab Informatics Management Systems (LIMS) and Electronic Lab Notebook (ELN). However, the distinction between the various types of digital lab solutions has become increasingly blurred over recent years. To elaborate, vendors are now often incorporating features from ELNs into LIMS and vice versa.
This survey focuses on exploring the inherent demand for implementing improved digital lab solutions present within the research domain. The overall aim is to define this initial demand and better understand the requirements of laboratories in digital lab solutions with a view to define a possible solution.
If you have any queries regarding the survey, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with joseph.haslam@manchester.ac.uk.