Meet the team
Dr Lucy Frith – Principal Investigator
Lucy Frith – Centre for Social Ethics and Policy, The University of Manchester
Lucy is Reader in Bioethics in the Centre for Social Ethics and Policy, School of Law, The University of Manchester.
Her research focuses on the social and ethical aspects of healthcare practice, regulation and policy, with particular interests in empirical ethics and she has a long-standing interest in the social and ethical aspects of reproductive technologies.
Professor Marie Fox – Co-Investigator
Marie Fox – Liverpool Law School, University of Liverpool
Marie Fox holds the Queen Victoria Chair of Law at the University of Liverpool. Her research is concerned with the legal governance of human and animal bodies, legal conceptions of embodiment and regulation of reproduction. Other current projects are funded by the Dunhill Medical Trust and Socio-legal Studies Association and focus on pet loss and the place of companion animals in care homes, abortion law reform in Northern Ireland, governance of assisted reproductive technologies and legal regulation of genital cutting. She is a co-ordinating editor of the journals Social & Legal Studies and Medical Law International.
Professor Nicky Hudson – Co-Investigator
Nicky Hudson – De Montford University
Nicky is Professor of Medical Sociology and leads the Centre for Reproduction Research at De Montfort University. Her work explores the relations between reproductive technologies, subjectivities and social structures, with a particular interest in questions of inequality and stratification.
Dr Petra Nordqvist – Co-Investigator
Petra Nordqvist – The University of Manchester
Dr Petra Nordqvist is Senior Lecturer in Sociology at the University of Manchester, and Co-Director of the Morgan Centre for Research into Everyday Lives. She is particularly interested in the way in which reproductive donation impacts on personal life and family relationships. Her publications include co-authored Relative Strangers: Family Life, Genes and Donor Conception (Palgrave Macmillan 2014, with Carol Smart), and ‘Donors: Curious Connections in Donor Conception’ (Emerald Publishing forthcoming, with Leah Gilman).
Dr Fiona MacCallum – Co-Investigator
Fiona MacCallum – The University of Warwick
Fiona is Reader in Developmental Psychology at the University of Warwick. Her research has explored the effects of reproductive technologies on family relationships, in particular looking at parent-child dynamics in non-genetic families.
Dr Jackson Kirkman-Brown – Co-Investigator
Jackson is interested in the potential impact of research into andrology on both diagnosis and treatment of infertility. Jackson’s role as Science Lead at Birmingham Women’s Fertility Centre has provided him with a number of opportunities including coordinating one of the largest regional Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) services.
Dr Caroline Redhead – Researcher
Caroline Redhead – The University of Manchester
Caroline is a solicitor (non-practising) and a Research Fellow at The University of Manchester. Her research interests lie within the broad fields of law and ethics, particularly in the context of healthcare and with a focus on experiences of law in everyday life.
Dr Leah Gilman – Researcher
Leah Gilman – Centre for Social Ethics and Policy, School of Law, The University of Manchester
Leah is a Research Fellow in the Centre for Social Ethics and Policy.
Her research spans medical sociology, personal relationships and reproduction and focusses particularly on the experiences of people involved in donor conception and how they are shaped by the social, legal and cultural contexts in which they live.