Presentation & Discussion: German Marksmen’s Clubs
German Marksmen’s clubs (Schützenvereine) as places of radicalisation and non-radicalisation was the focus of a presentation and discussion event led by social scientists Hannes Delto (University of Bielefeld) and Benjamin Kerst (University of Applied Sciences Düsseldorf) on 11 September 2022. The researchers presented findings from their respective studies consisting of a quantitative study of ‘Prejudices and Stereotypes in Club Sport’ (Hannes Delto) and a qualitative ethnographic study undertaken as part of the DARE project on ‘Marksmen’s clubs in Germany in the context of mainstreaming the extreme’ (Benjamin Kerst). The speakers discussed right-wing attitudes and hostile attitudes towards women and minorities in the context of German marksmen’s clubs, racist and right-wing terrorist attacks perpetrated by marksmen’s club members and ways to counteract this preventively. The presentations were followed by discussion and exchange with the participants – decision-makers from the Hessian (HSV) and German Marksmen (DSB) Associations – regarding recommendations for action and further research on the issue.