The i3HS team
i3HS is a collaboration of 13 lecturers and four professional services colleagues from The University of Manchester. Find out more about their roles in i3HS and any related projects they are working on.
Arpana Verma
Professor Arpana Verma
Co-Lead of i3HS Hub
Arpana is the Head of the Division of Population Health, Health Services Research and Primary Care at The University of Manchester.
She is also the teaching lead for MAHSC Global Health, Director of Manchester Urban Collaboration on Health (MUCH), Programme Director for the Masters in Public Health (MPH), MRes Public Health and MRes Primary Care, and evaluation lead for Well North.
Andy Brass
Professor Andy Brass
Co-Lead of i3HS Hub
Andy is the Head of the Division of Informatics, Imaging and Data Sciences.
Peter Causey-Freeman
Peter Causey-Freeman
Lecturer in Healthcare Sciences
I’m co-leading the Introduction to Programming module for the PG Cert in Clinical Bioinformatics.
I teach on the STP modules Introduction to Clinical Bioinformatics and Advanced Clinical Bioinformatics modules within the Manchester Academy for Healthcare Science Education
I am the lead developer of the VariantValidator software.
Andrew Devereau
Andrew Devereau
Lecturer in Clinical Bioinformatics and Genomics
Andrew is the Deputy Programme Director for the MSc Clinical Bioinformatics Scientist Training Programme (STP) and leads one of its units – Applied Next Generation Sequencing.
He supports the development and delivery of the PG Cert in Clinical Bioinformatics and leads one of its units – Introduction to Next Generation Sequencing Bioinformatics. He is also supporting the development of a new MOOC titled Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare.
Tracey Farragher
Dr Tracey Farragher
Lecturer in Healthcare Sciences
Tracey is an epidemiologist who applies advanced statistical techniques to routine data to address a range of health questions.
She is module lead on the Fundamentals in Epidemiology unit on the Master’s in Public Health (MPH).
She also develops online teaching resources on study design, statistics and implementation sciences.
Martin Fergie
Martin Fergie
Lecturer in Health Data Science
Martin’s research areas include predicting breast cancer risk from mammographic screening data and developing models for predicting clinical outcomes for follicular lymphoma from histology data.
His projects include:
Annie Harrison
Annie Harrison
Lecturer in Health Care Sciences
Annie delivers two modules on the Masters in Public Health (MPH) – Arts and Public Health and Engaging the Hard to Reach for Health Gain.
She is also involved in a number of evaluations:
- Well North – a multi-site project which aims to improve health in the poorest communities.
- Winning Hearts and Minds – a programme looking to improve heart and mental health outcomes in Manchester.
Annie is leading on building a public and patient involvement and engagement network for the i3HS Hub. She is also involved in a number of grant applications for i3HS, with a specific focus on integrating creative research methodologies into proposals and collaborating with the voluntary sector.
Fran Hooley
Fran Hooley
Lecturer in Technology Enhanced Learning
Fran is Deputy Programme Director for the PGCert in Clinical Bioinformatics and co-leads one of its units – Introduction to Programming.
She is creating a course unit on research methods and co-leads a research methods effective practice hub.
She is also leading the project for a new MOOC on artificial intelligence in healthcare and is supporting the delivery of an existing MOOC titled Clinical Bioinformatics: Unlocking Genomics.
Helen Hulme
Helen Hulme
Lecturer in Healthcare Sciences
Teaching Health Informatics on our new PGCert in Clinical Bioinformatics.
Andrew Jones
Andrew Jones
Senior Lecturer in Healthcare Sciences
As well as teaching at The University of Manchester, Andrew is the manager of the National Drug Treatment Monitoring System data project. This collaboration with Public Health England has helped to inform government guidance on alcohol and drug misuse prevention and treatment.
His work has helped to develop an evidence base for public health resource allocation, which is used by the Department of Health (download from
He also has an active research collaboration with Change Grow Live, a leading substance misuse and criminal justice intervention charity.
Victoria O’Reilly
Victoria O’Reilly
Hub Administrator
Victoria is responsible for all administrative and financial tasks relating to hub activity.
She is responsible for the coordination of Royal College of Physician-accredited CPD courses which run throughout the year, as well as the Epidemiology Summer School.
She also manages the content for the i3HS website.
John Owen
John Owen
Lecturer in Technology Enhanced Learning
John Owen is a Lecturer in Technology-Enhanced Learning with over 20 years’ experience working in further and higher education in both teaching and support roles. He has a background in teaching multimedia computing, educational development and technology enhanced learning, with extensive experience in the development, implementation and evaluation of online and blended learning. John currently teaches on two courses for the Master of Public Health programme – Implementation Science and Digital Public Health.
Tony Payton
Tony Payton
Senior Lecturer in Healthcare Sciences
Tony is co-director of the Manchester Cognitive Ageing Cohort; the world’s longest running study of cognition in the elderly, where he coordinates genetic projects.
This has resulted in nine publications in Nature Genetics, The American Journal of Human Genetics and Nature Communications and >5700 citations.
Tony teaches genetics, biostatistics and bioethics on three postgraduate courses.
He is also CEO of a spin-out company VREvo, which aims to develop VR content (simulations and 8K/360/3D video) for biomedicine
Gemma Shields
Gemma Shields
Gemma is the Co-lead for the Health Economics module on the Master of Public Health (MPH).
Her research focuses on the design and implementation of economic evaluations in mental health.
Current research projects include:
- Improving the Effectiveness of Psychological Interventions for Depression and Anxiety in the Cardiac Rehabilitation Pathway (MCT-pathway).
- Investigation of Attention Training Techniques for People with Psychosis (iATTp).
- A Randomised Controlled Trial of Psycho-education and Acceptance & Commitment Therapy for Parents of Children recently diagnosed with ASD (REACH-ASD Trial)
- Communication-centred parent-mediated treatment for Autism Spectrum Disorder in South Asia (COMPASS Trial).
Cath Wasiuk
Cath Wasiuk
E-Materials Quality Control and Student Support Officer
Cath produces materials for our MOOC on artificial intelligence in healthcare and for public health open access courses.
She’s also involved in the development of reusable learning objects for interdisciplinary use and the creation of microlearning materials for academic development.
Hannah Waterson
Hannah Waterson
Lecturer in Healthcare Sciences
Hannah teachers on the Masters in Public Health (MPH) on the following units:
- Arts and Public Health
- Global Health
- Health Services Management.
She is also developing the a unit on Engaging the Hard to Reach for Health Gain and another one on Infection Prevention and Control.
She is involved in the evaluation of Well North, a wide-scale programme tackling health inequalities in the North of England.
Jackie Kan
Elizabeth Dalgarno
Elizabeth is a Lecturer in Health Care Sciences for the i3HS hub and Masters in Public Health. Her research interests include global women’s health, health systems, health and social care policy and practice and inequalities in accessing health and social care. She is also interested in health and work relating specifically to musculoskeletal conditions.
She is the course unit lead for Global Women’s Public Health and Health Systems Challenges in Low and Middle Income Countries on the Masters in Public Health degree. She also facilitates the sociological and public health input into the undergraduate medical degree at Manchester and develops open access courses for the i3HS hub.