This year’s workshops will be held online on Tuesday 7th September to Friday 10th of September.
The MANCEPT Workshops is an annual conference in political theory, organised under the auspices of the Manchester Centre for Political Theory. The next conference will take place on Tuesday 7th of September to Friday 10th September 2021. The conference offers academics an opportunity to come together in a series of workshops so as to develop specialised work and engage in lively philosophical discussion. Attracting scholars throughout the world, the conference is now established as a leading international forum dedicated to the development of research in all subfields of political theory.
Registration for the workshops is now open at the link below. The deadline is 20th August, with a late fee of £5 for convenors and speakers who don’t register before this date. This year there is also a category for non-speaking attendees – anyone who wishes to attend a panel which they aren’t speaking on should first clear this with the relevant convenors and then register in this category. If they have already registered as a speaker for a different panel they will still need to notify the convenor of the panel they wish to attend, but will not need to register/pay twice.
To register click here
This year’s fees are:
Academics: £45
Graduate Students, retirees, and unaffiliated attendees: £20
Non-speaker/non-presenting attendees: £15
We will offer a small number of fee waiver bursaries. The deadline for bursary applications (available to current graduate students only) will be the 15th of June. Succesful applicants will be informed by the 22nd of June. Only people accepted to present on a panel should apply for bursaries. Consequently, it would be helpful if panels’ convenors could notify their potential paper-givers of their success before the 8th of June, so that they have sufficient time to apply for a bursary. In order to apply for a bursary, please send us a few lines outlining your financial situation. Unfortunately we cannot accept late bursary applications.
For bursary applications and any other info or queries please contact manceptworkshops@gmail.com
We will be in Touch with further details regarding registration nearer to time.
Panels A-H
See details of the panels from A to H
Panels I to N
See details of the panels from I to N
Panels O to Z
See details of the panels from O to Z