Microsystems in the media
Energy harvesters
CNBC Scientists develop flags that can produce energy from the wind and sun
Energy Voice Scientists create wind and solar power flags
pv magazine Flying the – 4 milliwatt – flag for piezo/solar renewables
Tech Explore Researchers develop flags that generate energy from wind and sun
nano werk Researchers develop flags that generate energy from wind and sun
Flapping flight
New Scientist Maths explains how bees can stay airborne with such tiny wings
Mother Nature 9 extraordinary facts about North America’s native bees
Jumping spider
National Geographic How scientists taught a spider to jump on demand
The Telegraph Spider taught to jump in bid to create pest-fighting robots
Le Monde Des chercheurs anglais entrainent une araignee a sauter
The Times Spiders could offer a leap forward in robot design
BBC How a spider jumps on its prey – Science has the answer
NBC News Why scientists trained this tiny spider to jump on demand
Story also covered by: Sky News, Fox News, New York Post, Gizmodo, Daily Express, Yahoo News, Der Spiegel, The Independent, Phys.org, EPSRC and many more.
Design News Developing artificial bees to replace the real thing
Forbes Jumping spiderbots and beebot pollinators
Electronics 360 Jumping spider robots and flying robot bees being developed
EurekAlert! Jumping spiders and flying bees: The rise of bio inspired microrobots
GE Reports The five coolest things on earth this week
Factor Tech Researchers have a plan to unleash swarms of robot bees to pollinate crops
Tech EXplorist Jumping spiders and flying bees: advancement in bio inspired microrobots
AZO Robotics Researchers designing bio-inspired micro-robots
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