At present Oxford University Press has a campaign and as part of this they have released free chapters in several books during October 2021. You can freely access the chapter on ‘Parenting Support in the Workplace’ published in the ‘Power of Positive Parenting: Transforming the Lives of Children, Parents, and Communities Using the Triple P System’ and other several chapters in different books by the end of October 2021 via this link.

Dr Anja Wittkowski and Prof Rachel Calam also prepared a chapter for ‘Power of Positive Parenting: Transforming the lives of children, parents, and communities using the Triple P System book (Eds: M. R. Sanders and T.G. Mazzucchelli)’. The chapter title is ‘Parents with Serious Mental Health Problems’, you can find important information on parents who are struggling with different psychological problems and their affects on parenting.

If you are interested in the book, you can purchase it via amazon here.