A reflection on my experience recruiting participants for the DAWN-P study
Adedamola Falana (Dami) is a research assistant (RA) on the Digital Assessment of Wellbeing in New Parents (DAWN-P) study. Here, Dami talks about what it's been like to work on the project, particularly when recruiting participants.I have spent the past year working...
My psychology undergraduate placement at PRIME-RU
Jamie Bottoms is a BSc Psychology student at The University of Manchester. Here, he talks about his placement year at the Perinatal Mental Health and Parenting Research Unit (PRIME-RU) and how it has helped him to learn more about research.I am currently on a...
DAWN-P study update
Holly Myers is a Patient and Public Involvement co-applicant on the DAWN-P study. She provides a lived experience perspective on the study and leads on the study social media and communications. Please find Holly’s update on the study below:The study is now underway...
Could a smartphone app help recognise the symptoms of postnatal depression?
Holly Myers talks about her work as part of the patient and public involvement (PPI) group for the DAWN-P study.
Parents, we need your help!
Are you a new parent with a child under 3? Would you like to contribute to a new study? Our researchers are starting a new project ‘Digital Assessment of Wellbeing in New Parents: DAWN-P’ which is looking at an app to assess postnatal depression in new...
New Job Opportunity: Research Associate – Maternal mental health evaluation
Our team is recruiting a new Research Associate! The post holder will work 17.5 hours a week for 9 months in Maternal Mental Health Evaluation project at University of Manchester. The purpose of this role is to support and undertake a programme of work...
NHSE Perinatal Mental Health Psychological Therapies Implementation Guidance
NHSE Perinatal Mental Health Psychological Therapies Implementation Guidance is now available on the FutureNHS Collaboration Platform. The guidance is for specialist community PMH services and Maternal Mental Health Services. It aims to support specialist...
Webinar by BPS DCP Faculty of Perinatal Psychology
New Webinar 'Working psychologically with perinatal loss and separation: clinical and professional considerations' will be held by BPS DCP Faculty of Perinatal Psychology on 29 September 2022 between 11 am and 2 pm. For further information and to book your place, you...
Your Body’s Journey during Pregnancy and After Birth
My Health London released exciting video series for expectant and new mothers. They can be watched from here! ...
Evaluating PerinAtal menTal Health Online Resources (PATHOR): Improving knowledge and de-stigmatising perinatal mental illness
Are you an expectant parent or did you become a parent last year? For more information about PATHOR study and to take part in this study, please scan the QR code or use the url-link on the PATHOR_Poster_MP v1.0. Are you a healthcare professional who...
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