An evolving bibliography of studies relating to the role of pragmatics in cyclic language change.
If you know of studies that ought to be included in this bibliography, but aren’t currently, please contact us with the details. Remember to include 3-5 key words for each entry and, where possible, a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) or other link to an electronic version.
Please note that this bibliography is listed in alphabetical order using the first named author’s surname.
A to E
- Bardenstein, Ruti. 2016. The Hebrew adverbial bixlal. Entrepalavras, Fortaleza 6(2): 10-28.
- Bardenstein, Ruti. 2017. At least: a general substitutive alternative marker. Journal of Humanities and Cultural Studies 2(4).
- Bardenstein, Ruti. 2020. Persistent argumentative discourse markers: The case of Hebrew rectification marker be-ʕecem (‘actually’). Journal of Pragmatics 172: 254-269.
- Bardenstein, Ruti. 2020. afilu ‘even’ throughout the history of Hebrew. Helkat-Lashon 53: 5374.
- Bardenstein, Ruti. In press. The Pragmaticalization of Apologies. The case of Hebrew slixa (‘sorry’, ‘excuse me’, ‘pardon’). mehkarim belashon.
- Bardenstein, Ruti. In Press. Constructionalized Rhetorical Questions: From Negatively Biased to Negation Polarity. The case of Hebrew lo mi yodea ma. Journal of Historical Pragmatics.
- Bardenstein, Ruti & Mira Ariel. 2021. The missing link between truth and intensification. Studies in Language.
- Bouzouita, Miriam, Anne Breitbarth, Lieven Danckaert & Elisabeth Witzenhausen, eds. 2019. Cycles in Language Change. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Croft, William. 1991. The evolution of negation. Journal of Linguistics. 27: 1-27.
- Cuenca, Maria-Josep. 1992-93. Sobre l’evoluciò dels nexes conjuntius en catala. Llengua & Literatura 5: 173-213.
- Dahl, Östen. 1979. Typology of Sentence Negation. Linguistics 17: 79-106.
- Dahl, Östen. 1997. The relation between past time reference and counterfactuality: A new look. In Angeliki Athanasiadou & René Dirven, eds. On Conditionals Again. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 97–114.
- Dahl, Östen. 2001. Grammaticalization and the life-cycles of constructions. RASK: Internationalt tidsskrift for sprog og kommunikation 14: 91-133.
- Detges, Ulrich. 2020. Future markers in Western Romance: cyclic change, synchronic variation, and diachronic competition. In Maj-Britt Mosegaard Hansen, ed. The Role of Pragmatics in Cyclical Change. (Special Issue.) Journal of Historical Pragmatics 21(2): 289-314.
F to J
- Fedriani, Chiara & Piera Molinelli. 2020. Functional expansions of temporal adverbs and discursive connectives: from Latin tum, tunc, dumque to Old Italian dunque. Journal of Historical Pragmatics 21(2): 182–208.
- Gabelentz, Georg von der. 1901. Die Sprachwissenchaft. Ihre Aufgaben, Methoden und bisherigen Ergebnisse. 2nd ed. Leipzig: Chr. Herm. Tauchnitz.
- Gelderen, Elly van, 2004. Grammaticalization as Economy. Amsterdam: Benjamins.
- Gelderen, Elly van. 2009. Feature economy in the Linguistic Cycle. In Paola Crisma & Giuseppe Longobardi, eds. Historical Syntax and Linguistic Theory. Oxford: University Press.
- Gelderen, Elly van. 2011. The Linguistic Cycle. Language Change and the Language Faculty. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Gelderen, Elly van. 2017. Cyclicity. In Adam Ledgeway & Ian Roberts, eds. The Cambridge Handbook of Historical Syntax. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 467-488.
- Gelderen, Elly van, ed. 2009. Cyclical Change. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- Gelderen, Elly van, ed. 2016. Cyclical Change Continued. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- Gelderen, Elly van. 2022. Third Factors in Language Variation and Change. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Gelderen, Elly van. 2023. The Linguistic Cycle. Economy and Renewal in Historical Linguistics. New York, NY: Routledge.
- Ghezzi, Chiara. 2016. Politeness markers from Latin to Italian. Periphery, discourse structure and cyclicity. Journal of Historical Pragmatics 17(2): 307-337.
- Ghezzi, Chiara & Piera Molinelli. 2014. Deverbal pragmatic markers from Latin to Italian (Lat. QUAESO and It. prego); The cyclic nature of functional developments. In Chiara Ghezzi & Piera Molinelli, eds. Discourse and Pragmatic Markers from Latin to the Romance Languages. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 61-85.
- Givón, Talmy. 2018[1979]. On Understanding Grammar. (Perspectives in Neurolinguistics and Psycholinguistics.) New York/San Francisco/London: Academic Press.
- Greenberg, Joseph H. 1978. How does a language acquire gender markers? Universals of Human Language. 3: 47–82.
- Hansen, Maj-Britt Mosegaard. 2011. Negative cycles and grammaticalization. In Heiko Narrog & Bernd Heine, eds. The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 570-579.
- Hansen, Maj-Britt Mosegaard. 2013. Negation in the history of French. In David Willis, Christopher Lucas, and Anne Breitbarth, eds. The History of Negation in the Languages of Europe and the Mediterranean, vol. I: Case Studies. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 51-76.
- Hansen, Maj-Britt Mosegaard. 2014. Cyclicity in semantic/pragmatic change: the medieval particle ja between Latin iam and Modern French déjà. In Chiara Ghezzi & Piera Molinelli, eds. Discourse and Pragmatic Markers from Latin to the Romance Languages. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 139-165.
- Hansen, Maj-Britt Mosegaard. 2018a. Cyclic phenomena in the evolution of pragmatic markers. Evidence from Romance. In Salvador Pons Bordería & Oscar Loureda Lamas, eds. Beyond Grammaticalization and Discourse Markers. New Issues in the Study of Language Change. Leiden: Brill, 51-77.
- Hansen, Maj-Britt Mosegaard. 2018b. The expression of clause negation: from Latin to early French. In Anne Carlier & Céline Guillot-Barbance, eds. Latin tardif/français ancien: continuïtés et ruptures. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton, 267-295.
- Hansen, Maj-Britt Mosegaard. 2018c. The role of inferencing in semantic-pragmatic cyclicity: the case of Latin NUNC and French or/maintenant. Open Linguistics 4: 127-146.
- Hansen, Maj-Britt Mosegaard. 2020. De ainz à plutôt : un cycle de pragmaticalisation. In Olga Inkova, ed., Autour de la reformulation. Geneva: Droz, 133-153.
- Hansen, Maj-Britt Mosegaard. 2021. Cyclic changes to the negative coordinating conjunction from Latin to Modern French, Folia linguistica historica 42 (2): 223-254.
- Hansen, Maj-Britt Mosegaard, ed. 2020. The Role of Pragmatics in Cyclical Change. (Special Issue.) Journal of Historical Pragmatics 21(2).
- Hansen, Maj-Britt Mosegaard & Jacqueline Visconti. 2009. On the diachrony of “reinforced” negation in French and Italian. In Corinne Rossari, Claudia Ricci & Adriana Spiridon, eds. Grammaticalization and Pragmatics. Facts, Approaches, Theoretical Issues. Leiden: Brill, 137-171.
- Heine, Bernd. 2020. Where do demonstratives come from? STUF – Language Typology and Universals 73(3): 403-434.
- Heine, Bernd, Ulrike Claudi & Frederike Hünnemeyer. 1991. Grammaticalization. A Conceptual Framework. Chicago, Ill.: University of Chicago Press.
- Heine, Bernd, & Mechthild Reh. 1984. Grammaticalization and Reanalysis in African Languages. Hamburg: Helmut Buske.
- Hodge, Carleton. 1970. The linguistic cycle. Language Sciences (Bloomington) 13: 1-7.
- Hopper, Paul J. & Elizabeth Closs Traugott. 1993. Grammaticalization. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Jäger, Agnes 2021. The comparative cycle in crosslinguistic perspective. Linguistic Typology at the Crossroads 1(1):124-178.
- Jespersen, Otto. 1917. Negation in English and Other Languages. Copenhagen: Høst & Søn.
- Jespersen, Otto 1922. Language, Its Nature, Development and Origin. New York: Henry Holt.
- Johansson, Niklas & Gerd Carling 2015. The de-iconization and rebuilding of iconicity in spatial deixis: An Indo-European case study. Acta Linguistica Hafniensia 47(1): 1-29.
K to O
- Kiparsky, Paul & Cleo Condoravdi. 2006. Tracking Jespersen’s Cycle. In Mark Janse, Brian D. Joseph & Angela Ralli, eds. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of Modern Greek Dialects and Linguistic Theory. Mytilene: Doukas, 172-197.
- Kuo, Yueh-Hsin. 2020. From deontic modality to conditionality. A diachronic investigation into bì in Classical Chinese. Journal of Historical Pragmatics 23(1): 84-110.
- Larrivée, Pierre & Richard A. Ingham, eds. 2011. The Evolution of Negation. Beyond the Jespersen Cycle. Berlin: De Gruyter.
- Lehmann, Christian. 2015[1982]. Thoughts on Grammaticalization. Berlin: Language Science Press.
- Llopis Cardona, Ana & Salvador Pons Bordería. 2020. La gramaticalización de macho y tío/a como ciclo semántico-pragmático. Circulo de Lingüística Aplicada a la Comunicación 82: 151 – 164.
- Llopis Cardona, Ans. In press. La gramaticalización del igual americano como reformulador y concesivo: ¿caso de réplica de lo mismo?. Onomázein 56.
- Lord, Carol. 1976. Evidence for syntactic reanalysis: from verb to complementizer in Kwa. In Papers from the Parasession on Diachronic Syntax, April 22, 1976, ed. by S.B. Steever, C.A. Walter and s.s. Mufwene. Chicago: Chicago Linguistic Society. Pp. 179-191.
- Lucas, Christopher. 2007. Jespersen’s cycle in Arabic and Berber. Transactions of the Philological Society 105(3): 398-431.
- Meisterernst, Barbara. 2023. The negative cycle in Chinese: From synthetic to analytic and back to synthetic negation? Journal of Historical Linguistics 13, 1: 35–81.
- Molinelli, Piera. 2016. Cicli di pragmaticalizzazione tra latino e lingue romanze: la formazione di marcatori interazionali. In Fruyt, Michèle, Gerd V. Haverling & Rosanna Sornicola, eds. Actes du XXVIIe Congrès international de linguistique et de philologie romanes (Nancy, 15-20 juillet 2013). Section 2 : Linguistique latine/linguistique romane. Nancy: ATILF.
- Moretti, Bruno. 2004. Il ‘ciclo di avere’. Costanti e variazioni dal latino all’italiano moderno. Rivista Italiana di Linguistica e di Dialettologia 6: 41-160.
- Nykiel, Jerzy. 2015. The reduced definite article th’ in Late Middle English and Beyond: An insight from the definiteness cycle. Journal of Germanic Linguistics 27(2): 105-144.
P to T
- Patard, Adeline 2019. To the Roots of Fake Tense and ‘Counterfactuality’. In R. Peltola & E. Roussel (eds.), Cross-Linguistic Perspectives on the Semantics of Grammatical Aspect. Leiden; Boston: Brill. 176–212.
- Pons Bordería, Salvador & Ana Llopis Cardona. 2020. Some reflections on semantic-pragmatic cycles. In Maj-Britt Mosegaard Hansen, ed. 2020. The Role of Pragmatics in Cyclical Change. (Special Issue.) Journal of Historical Pragmatics 21(2): 315-346.
- Reinöhl, Uta & Nikolaus Himmelmann. 2017. Renewal: A figure of speech or a process sui generis? Language 93(2): 381–413.
- Roberts, Ian. 1993. A formal account of grammaticalization in the history of Romance futures. Folia Linguistica Historica 13: 219-258.
- Roberts, Ian & Anna Roussou. 2003. Syntactic Change. A Minimalist Approach to Grammaticalization. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- la Roi, Ezra. 2022. Interlocked life-cycles of counterfactual mood forms from Archaic to Classical Greek: Between Aspect and Changing Temporal Reference. Indogermanische Forschungen 127.
- la Roi, Ezra. Forthcoming. Down the paths to the past habitual: its historical connections with counterfactual pasts, future in the pasts, iteratives and lexical sources in Ancient Greek. Folia Linguistica Historica 57(44).
- Rupp, Laura & Sali A. Tagliamonte. 2017. This here town: evidence for the development of the English determiner system from a vernacular demonstrative construction in York English. English Language & Linguistics 23(1): 81-103.
- Schwenter, Scott A. 2006. Fine-tuning Jespersen’s Cycle. In Betty J. Birner & Gregory Ward, eds. Drawing the Boundaries of Meaning. Neo-Gricean Studies in Semantics and Pragmatics in Honor of Laurence R. Horn. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 327-344.
- Scivoletto, Giulio. 2020. Semasiological cyclicity in the evolution of discourse markers: a case from Sicilian. In Maj-Britt Mosegaard Hansen, ed. The Role of Pragmatics in Cyclical Change. (Special Issue.) Journal of Historical Pragmatics 21(2): 236-262.
- Seržant, Ilja A. 2021. Cyclic changes in verbal person-number indexes are unlikely. Folia linguistica historica 42(1): 49-86.
- Sheng, Yimin. 2015. The location morpheme-demonstrative cycle in Wu dialects: On the lexical renewal of the demonstratives from the typological perspective. International Journal of Chinese Linguistics 2(1): 121–148.
- Simone, Raffaele. 2000. Cycles lexicaux. Studi Italiani di Linguistica Teorica e Applicata 16: 259-287.
U to Z
- Van der Auwera, Johan. 2009. The Jespersen Cycles. In Elly van Gelderen, ed., Cyclical Change. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 35-71.
- Veselinova, Ljuba. 2013. Negative existentials: a cross-linguistic study. Italian Journal of Linguistics: Special Issue on Existential Constructions 25(1): 107–145.
- Veselinova, Ljuba. 2014. The Negative Existential Cycle Revisited. Linguistics 52(6): 1327–1369.
- Veselinova, Ljuba. 2016. The Negative Existential Cycle through the lens of comparative data. In Elly van Gelderen, ed. The Linguistic Cycle Continued. Amsterdam/New York: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 139–187.
- Veselinova, Ljuba & Hedvig Skirgård. 2015. Special Negators in the Uralic Languages: Synchrony, Diachrony and Interaction with Standard Negation. In Matti Miestamo, Ann Tamm & Beáta Wagner-Nagy, eds. Negation in Uralic Languages. Amsterdam/New York: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 547–599.
- Veselinova, Ljuba & Arja Hamari, eds. 2022. The Negative Existential Cycle. Berlin: Language Science Press.
- Vindenes, Urd. 2018. Complex demonstratives and cyclic change in Norwegian. Unpublished PhD dissertation, University of Oslo.
- Vindenes, Urd. 2018. Cyclic renewal of demonstratives. Studies in Language 42(3): 641–668.
- Vindenes, Urd. 2021. Om fornying av demonstrativer i norsk. Maal og Minne 113(1): 131–172.
- Voeltz, F. K. Erhard. 1980. The etymology of the Bantu perfect. In Luc Bouquiaux, ed. L’ expansion bantoue. Volume 2. Paris: SELAF (Societé d ‘Etudes Linguistiques et Anthropologiques de France).
- Wallage, Phillip. 2017. Negation in Early English. Grammatical and Functional Change. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Waltereit, Richard. 2020. Parallels between the negative cycle and the rise of wh-interrogative marking in French. In Maj-Britt Mosegaard Hansen, ed. The Role of Pragmatics in Cyclical Change. (Special Issue,.) Journal of Historical Pragmatics 21(2): 263-288.
- Willis, David, Christopher Lucas & Anne Breitbarth. 2013. The History of Negation in the Languages of Europe and the Mediterranean. Volume 1: Case Studies. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Willis, David, Christopher Lucas & Anne Breitbarth. 2020. The History of Negation in the Languages of Europe and the Mediterranean. Volume II: Patterns and Processes. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Yong, Qian. 2018. Pathways of Counterfactual Markings: A Diachronic Typology. International Journal of English Linguistics 8(2): 180–198.
- Zakowski, Samuel. 2018. The evolution of the Ancient Greek deverbal pragmatic markers àge, íthi and phére. Journal of Historical Pragmatics 19: 55-92.