Research Articles

This project emerges from a decade-long research agenda on forests and livelihoods. Key research articles from this agenda include:

  • Hajjar R, Oldekop JA, Toto R, Alencar L, Bell S, Devenish K, Khuu DT, Hernández-Montilla M, Jung S, Nofyanza S, Sapkota M. 2025.  Data challenges in socioeconomic impact assessments of conservation regimes. Conservation Biologyin press
  • Mansourian S, Djenontin I, Elias M, Oldekop JA, Derkyi MAA, Kull C, Pacheco P. 2025. Situating the ‘human’ in forest landscape restoration. Frontiers in Environmental Science, in press
  • Schleicher J, van Soesbergen A, Schaafsma M, Dyngeland C, Oldekop JA, Maioli V, Latawiec AE, Vira B. 2025. Where Nature and Poverty Meet: Developing a Multidimensional Environment-Poverty Measure. Journal of Development Studies, in press
  • Alencar L, Sobral Escada MI, Campana Camargo JL. 2025.  Long-term landscape structure change in contrasting land occupation strategies of the Brazilian Amazon. Land Use Policy, 150: 107442
  • Hall CM, den Braber B, Vansant E, Oldekop JA, Das U, Fielding D, Kamoto JFM, Vang Rasmussen L.  2025. Trees on farms improve dietary quality in rural Malawi. Conservation Letters,18: e13061
  • den Braber B, Oldekop JA, Devenish K, Godar J, Nolte C, Schmoeller M, Evans KL. 2024. Socio-economic and environmental trade-offs in Amazonian protected areas and Indigenous territories revealed by assessing competing land uses. Nature Ecology and Evolution,8: 1482-1492 
  • Vansant E, den Braber B, Hall CM, Kamoto JFM, Reiner F, Oldekop JA, Vang Rasmussen L. 2024. Food-sourcing from on-farm trees mediates positive relationships between tree cover and dietary quality in Malawi. Nature Food, 5: 661-666
  • Mansourian S, Derkyi M, Djenontin I, Elias M, Oldekop J, Pacheco P, Burns J, Diederichsen A, Kleine M, Vallauri D, and Walder B. (2024). Human Dimensions of Forest Landscape Restoration, IUFRO, Vienna
  • Zhang Y…, Oldekop JA et al. (2023) Governance and Conservation Effectiveness in Protected Areas and Indigenous and Locally Managed Areas. Annual Review in Environment and Resources, 48: 559-588
  • da Conceição Bispo P…, Oldekop JA et al. (2023) Overlooking vegetation loss outside forests imperils the Brazilian Cerrado and other non-forest biomes. Nature Ecology and Evolution,8: 12-13
  • Govindarajulu D, Pritchard R, Chhatre A, Foster T, Oldekop JA. (2023) Rights based approaches to forest landscape restoration; learning from the Indian forest policy experience. Forest Policy and Economics, 157: 10307
  • Newton P, Castle SE, Kinzer A, Miller DC, Oldekop JA, Juvenal T, Pina L, Madrid M, de Lamo Rodriguez, J (2022) The number of forest- and tree-proximate people: A new methodology and global estimates. FAO Forestry Working Paper 34: Rome
  • Jones JPG, Barnes M, Eklund J, Ferraro PJ, Geldman J, Oldekop JA, Schleicher JA. (2002) Quantifying uncertainty about how interventions are assigned would improve impact evaluation in conservation: reply to Rasolofoson 2022. Conservation Biology, e14007
  • Pritchard R, Sauls LA,  Oldekop JA, Kiwango W, Brockington D. (2022) Data justice and biodiversity conservation. Conservation Biology, e13919.
  • Palfrey R*, Oldekop JA, Holmes G. (2022) Private protected areas increase global protected area and connectivity. Nature Ecology and Evolution, 6: 730-737. *PhD student
  • Oldekop JA, et al. (2021) A framework for analysing contextual factors shaping forest-poverty dynamics. Forest Policy and Economics, 132: 102591.
  • Miller DC,…Oldekop JA, et al. (2021) Forests, trees and poverty alleviation: Policy implications of current knowledge. Forest Policy and Economics, 131: 102566.
  • Hajjar R,…Oldekop JA, et al. (2021) Research frontiers on forests, trees, and poverty dynamics. Forest Policy and Economics, 131: 102554.
  • Loveridge R,…Oldekop JA, et al. (2021) Certified community forests positively impact human wellbeing and conservation effectiveness and improve the performance of nearby national protected areas. Conservation Letters, e12831.
  • Palfrey R*, Oldekop JA, Holmes G (2021) Conservation and social outcomes of private protected areas. Conservation Biology, 35: 216-224. *PhD student
  • Hajjar R*, Oldekop JA*, Cronkleton P, Newton P, Russell AJM, Zhou W (2021) A global analysis of the social and environmental outcomes of community forests. Nature Sustainability, 4: 216-224. *Joint lead authors. [read the paper] [read the related news and views commentary in Nature Sustainability here, and a feature article in]
  • Oldekop JA, Vang Rasmussen L, et al. [24 authors] (2020) Forest livelihoods in a globalized world. Nature Plants6: 1400-1407. [read the paper] [read the accompanying Opinion Piece published by Thomson Reuters Foundation]
  • Reed J. Oldekop JA, Barlow J, Carmenta R, Geldmann J, Ickowitz A, Narulita S, Rahman SA, van Vianen J, Yanou M, Sunderland T (2020) The extent and distribution of joint conservation-development funding in the tropics. One Earth, 3: 753-762.
  • Miller DC, Mansourian S, Wildburger C (Eds) (2020) Forest, trees, and the eradication of poverty: Potential and limitations. IUFRO World Series Vol. 39: Vienna [covered by multiple media outlets with feature in Le Monde and Reuters]
    • Gabay M, Oldekop JA [Coordinating Lead Authors] et al. Chapter 4: Contextual factors shaping forest-poverty dynamics”
    • Shyamsundar P [Coordinating Lead Author],…Oldekop JA [Lead Author],… et al. “Chapter 6: Global forces of change: Implications for alleviating poverty”
    • Miller DC [Coordinating Lead Author],…Oldekop JA [Lead Author],… et al. “Chapter 7: Conclusion: Forests, trees, and the eradication of poverty”
  • Newton P, Kinzer AT, Miller DC, Oldekop JA, Agrawal A (2020) The number and spatial distribution of forest-proximate people. One Earth, 3: 363-370. [covered by multiple media outlets – including a feature article in El País]
  • Erbaugh JT, Pradhan N, Adams J, Oldekop JA, Agrawal A, Brockington D, Pritchard R, Chhatre A (2020) Global forest restoration and the importance of prioritizing local communities. Nature Ecology and Evolution, 4: 1471-1476. [read the paper] [covered by multiple media outlets – including The Times of India]
  • Dyngeland C*, Oldekop JA, Evans KL (2020) Assessing multidimensional sustainability: Lessons from Brazil’s social protection programs. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA,117: 20511-20519. *PhD Student
  • Oldekop JA, et al. [46 authors] (2020) COVID-19 and the case for Global Development. World Development, 134: 105044.
  • Fontana LB, Oldekop JA (2020) The sustainable development goals: The bumpy road ahead (Introduction to Special Issue). World Development, 127: 104770.
  • Schleicher J, Eklund J, Barnes M, Geldmann J, Oldekop JA, Jones JPG (2020) Statistical Matching for Conservation Science. Conservation Biology, 34: 538-549.
  • Oldekop JA, Sims KRE, Karna BK, Whittingham MJ, Agrawal A (2019) Reductions in deforestation and poverty from decentralized forest management in Nepal. Nature Sustainability, 2: 421-428. [read the paper] [covered by multiple media outlets – including Reuters]
  • Giller KE, Drupady IM, Fontana LB, Oldekop JA (2019) The SDGs–aspirations or inspirations for global sustainability (Introduction to Special Issue). Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 34: A1-A2.
  • Brockington D, Adams WM, Agarwal B, Agrawal A, Büscher B, Chhatre A, Duffy R, Fletcher R, Oldekop JA (2018). Working governance for working land. Science, 362: 1257.
  • Oldekop JA, Sims KRE, Whittingham MJ, Agrawal A (2018) An upside of globalisation: International outmigration drives reforestation in Nepal. Global Environmental Change, 52: 66-74. [covered by, and Yale360]
  • den Braber B*, Evans KL, Oldekop JA (2018) Impact of protected areas on poverty, extreme poverty and inequality in Nepal. Conservation Letterse12576. *PhD Student
  • Erbaugh JT, Oldekop JA (2018) Forest landscape restoration for livelihoods and wellbeing. Current Opinions in Environmental Sustainability, 32: 76-83.
  • Hajjar R, Oldekop JA (2018) Research frontiers in community forest management. Current Opinions in Environmental Sustainability, 32: 119-125.  
  • Vang Rasmussen L, Bierbaum R, Oldekop JA, Agrawal A (2017) Bridging the practitioner-researcher divide: Indicators to track environmental, economic, and sociocultural sustainability of agricultural commodity production. Global Environmental Change, 42: 33-46.
  • Hajjar R*, Oldekop JA*, Agrawal A, Cronkleton P, Etue E, Newton P, Russel AJM, Tjajadi JS, Zhou W (2016) The data not collected on community forestry. Conservation Biology, 30: 1357-1362 . *Joint lead authors
  • Newton P, Oldekop JA, Brodnig G, Karna B, Agrawal A (2016) Carbon, biodiversity, and livelihoods in forest commons: synergies, trade-offs, and implications for REDD+. Environmental Research Letters, 11: 044017.
  • Oldekop JA, et al. [44 authors] (2016) 100 key research questions for the post-2015 development agenda. Development Policy Review, 34: 55-82. [covered by]
  • Oldekop JA, Holmes G, Harris WE, Evans KL (2016) A global assessment of the social and conservation outcomes of protected areas. Conservation Biology, 30(1): 133-141. [within the journal’s top 5 most downloaded papers of 2016]
  • Oldekop JA, Chappell MJ, Borges Peixoto FE, Paglia, Schmoeller M, Evans KL (2015) Linking Brazil’s food security policies to agricultural change. Food Security, 7: 779-793.
  • Pfeifer M …, Oldekop JA, et al. (2014). BIOFRAG – A new database for analysing BIOdiversity responses to forest FRAGmentation. Ecology and Evolution, 4: 1-14.
  • Oldekop JA, Bebbington AJ, Hennermann K, McMorrow J, Springate DA, Torres B, Truelove NK, Tysklind N, Villamarín S, Preziosi RF (2013) Evaluating the effects of common-pool resource institutions and market forces on species richness and forest cover in indigenous Kichwa communities. Conservation Letters, 6: 107-115.
  • Oldekop JA, Bebbington AJ, Truelove NK, Tysklind N, Villamarín S, Preziosi RF (2012) Co-abundance patterns of common and rare leaf-litter frogs, epiphytic ferns and dung beetles across a gradient of human disturbance. PLoS One, 7: e38922.
  • Oldekop JA, Truelove NK, Villamarín S, Preziosi RF (2012) Information flows in community-based monitoring exercises in the Ecuadorian Amazon. International Journal of Zoology, Article ID 980520.
  • Oldekop JA, Bebbington AJ, Holmes, G, Truelove NK, Villamarín S., Preziosi RF (2012) Environmental impacts and scarcity perception influence local institutions in indigenous Amazonian Kichwa communities. Human Ecology, 40: 101-115.
  • Oldekop JA, Bebbington AJ, Berdel F, Truelove NK, Wiersberg T, Preziosi RF (2011) Testing the accuracy of non-experts in biodiversity monitoring exercises. Biodiversity and Conservation, 20: 2615-2626.
  • Oldekop JA, Bebbington AJ, Brockington D, Preziosi RF (2010) Understanding the lessons and limitations of Conservation and Development. Conservation Biology, 24: 461-469.