Participant Information Sheet – Interview


Who is conducting the research?

We are a team of researchers from the University of Manchester and the University of Edinburgh, working together on a research study called READY (Recording Emerging Adulthood in Deaf Youth). The research team includes people who have experience of working with young people who are deaf. We use the word ‘deaf’ to mean any level of hearing loss: mild, moderate, severe, profound, or in one ear only.

Meet the team:

Other researchers and PhD students may join us later and work as a part of the team.
You have already agreed to take part in the READY study by completing annual surveys. We would now like to invite you to take part in some interviews for the READY study. It is an invitation – you do not have to agree and if you don’t want to do an interview you are still in the READY study. Before you decide if you wish to take part in an interview, please make sure that you understand:

  • 1. Why the interviews are being done
  • 2. What would be involved, if you agree to take part

Take your time to read through this information sheet before you decide if you wish to take part. Ask as many questions as you wish.  This information is also available in British Sign Language and Sign supported spoken English, and in Welsh and Sign Supported spoken Welsh

What is the purpose of the research?

You recently completed an online survey for the READY study. This study is trying to find out more about deaf young people between the ages of 16 and 23. As you know are interested to explore topics such as deaf young people’s personal wellbeing, experiences of work and education, what services they use and how they develop independence and connections with others. 16 to 23 years old is a time when lots of things change for all young people and the READY study is the first to trace those changes over time with deaf young people themselves. Filling out the annual survey has given us lots of information but we want now to interview some deaf young people as well so we can discuss in more depth some of the topics and learn more about your personal experiences. Overall, the results of the READY study will help people in the future to support deaf young people more, to find out what deaf young people really want as they are growing up and the challenges they face.

Who is organising and approving the research?

The research is being organised by the University of Manchester and University of Edinburgh. The National Deaf Children’s Society (NDCS) have asked the universities to do this research. The research has been approved by the Research Ethics Committee, a group of people who work to protect your safety, rights, wellbeing and dignity.

Will the study’s results be published?

Yes. The READY study will publish its results in written English and in British Sign Language. Information will be available on a special study web site as well as published in academic papers and books. Study team members will also give presentations about what we are finding out.

Why have I been asked to take part?

We have asked you to take part in interviews because you are already part of the READY study and you said you were interested in being interviewed.

Who will be conducting the interviews?

There may be two people who do the interview with you. The first will be a very experienced researcher from either the University of Manchester or the University of Edinburgh. The second person who may be with them will be a deaf young person like you who has been specially trained to carry out an interview with another deaf young person. This means you will be talking someone of a similar age to yourself who also has the experience of being deaf. All of the researchers doing the interviews will have had DBS checks via the University of Manchester or the University of Edinburgh at an enhanced level to make sure they are suitable to do this work. All of the interviewers will be able to adapt their communication method/language to suit you (spoken English, SSE, BSL, etc.).

What would I be asked to do if I agree to take part?

A member of the research team will contact you to arrange a time to meet you face-to-face. You can choose the time and the place to meet. You can read this information sheet and ask any questions before you meet the interviewer (email:, as well as on the day. If you are happy to go ahead, you will be asked to fill in a consent form to say you agree to the interview. Then the interviewer will ask you some questions about your everyday life, friendships, language use, wellbeing and independence. The interview will be recorded on a digital camera or sound recorder. The interview will last for about 90 minutes. We would like to interview you every year for 4 years, but each year we will check first whether you still want to take part in the interview.

Will I be paid for taking part?

We will not pay you to take part in the interview, but if you have to pay to travel to the place where the interview is happening, we will pay you back. We will also give you a £20 voucher each year, after you have been interviewed, as a thank you.

What if I do not want to take part or if I change my mind?

It is completely up to you to decide if you want to take part in the interview or not. You can read this information sheet and ask the research team any questions, or talk to other people (e.g. friends or family) before you decide. If you do decide to take part you will be asked to sign a consent form that shows you understand and agree to being interviewed. The interviews will be recorded, either on digital cameras or on digital audio recorders. We need to record the interviews so that we can check again later what you said. If you are not happy to be recorded, the interview will not go ahead.

We will also ask you to agree to be contacted again in one year’s time, so we can arrange the next interview. Every year we ask you to be interviewed you will be asked to fill in a consent form again. This is to check that you still want to take part. You can choose not to continue to take part in the interviews when we contact you each year (but you can still carry on with the surveys if you want to). We will provide you with a simple letter that you can send to us by post or by email to say that you do not want to take part any more. You do not have to explain why. However, it will not be possible to remove your data from the study after it has been included in the analysis (this will happen within one month). This does not affect your data protection rights.

If you change your mind during the interview, you are free to stop the interview at any point without having to give a reason.

What information will you collect about me?

Because you are already participating in the READY study, we already hold some information that could identify you. This is called “personal identifiable information”. Specifically, you have already told us:

  • Your name
  • Your sex
  • Your ethnic background
  • Your age
  • Your contact details (e.g. text number, email, home address and post code)

Because we will also record your interview, your whole face and hands will be visible (or your voice, if we audio record), these recordings will also be “personal identifiable information”.

Under what legal basis are you collecting this information?

We are collecting and storing this personal identifiable information in accordance with data protection laws which protect your rights. The law lets us collect and store your personal details because it is “a public interest task” and “a process necessary for research purposes”.

What are my rights in relation to the information you collect about me?

You have a number of rights under data protection law, including the right to see any of the information you have shared with us, including the right to ask for a copy of any recordings we make of you. If you would like to know more about your rights or find out the legal reason we collect and use your information, please read through the Privacy Notice for Research Participants or discuss it with your parent/guardian.

This privacy notice is also available in BSL and in Easy Read format.

Will my participation in the study be confidential?

Only the research team will have access to information about you and your contact details and we will make sure these are kept safe and secure. We will follow data protection law.

The University of Manchester is the Data Controller for this project, which means that we are responsible for making sure your personal information is kept secure, confidential and used only in the way you have been told it will be used. All researchers on the READY project have received training to do this and we will make sure that they keep your information safe.

We will not reveal the names of anyone who has taken part in the READY study. However, sometimes we may have to tell other people if we are worried about you or you tell us about something that is breaking the law. For example:

  • If, during the study, we have concerns about your safety or the safety of others, we would have to inform the relevant authorities/people.
  • If, during the study, you tell us about illegal activities that are happening now or that are planned in the future we have a legal obligation to report this and so we will need to inform the relevant authorities/people.

All of the information you give us in the interviews will be pseudonymised. This means that we will generate a secret code for you and make sure that your name is stored in a different place to the rest of the information you give us. Members of the research team or University approved suppliers will transcribe your interview (that means they will write down what is said in the interview). The transcriber will remove any personal identifiable information from the transcripts.

We will keep the information you give us for 6 years after the end of the research study. After the study has finished will collect together anonymised answers to the questionnaires from everyone who has taken part and these will be put in a safe data archive for other researchers to use in the future.

  • It will be impossible for anyone to link your personal information to the interview transcripts that are put in the archive.
  • We will not transfer your personal details (such as your name and your contact details) to the archive.
  • We will not put the original recordings that show your face or include your voice into the archive.

We will ask you at the end of the study (or sooner, if you decide to withdraw) if we have your permission to keep your name and contact details securely at the University of Manchester for a period of 15 years. This is because we may want to contact you again in the future about other research studies. If you do not want us to keep your contact details we will destroy them at the end of your participation in the READY study and tell you that we have done so.

Please also note that individuals from The University of Manchester or regulatory authorities may need to look at the data collected for this study to make sure the project is being carried out as planned. This may involve looking at identifiable data. All individuals involved in auditing and monitoring the study will have a strict duty of confidentiality to you as a research participant.

What if I want to make a complaint?

You can contact the research team directly. The details are below. If you would rather contact someone independent, you can contact these people:

The Research Governance and Integrity Officer, Research Office, Christie Building, The University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PL, by emailing: or by telephoning 0161 275 2674.

If you wish to ask about your data protection rights, please email or write to The Information Governance Office, Christie Building, The University of Manchester, Oxford Road, M13 9PL.They will guide you through the process of exercising your rights.

You also have a right to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office about complaints relating to your personal identifiable information via live text chat on their website or Tel 0303 123 1113

Consent form

If you want to participate in the interviews, you will be asked to complete a consent form. You can check the statements in advance opening the drop-down menu below, or watching the BSL and SSE versions.

  1. I have read (or watched) the interview information sheet for the READY study.
  2. I have been able to ask questions about things I don’t understand. The researchers have given me answers to my questions.
  3. I know that I am being asked to be interviewed online via Zoom or Teams. I know that I do not have to be interviewed if I do not want to. I am free to decide that I do not want to take part anymore at any time, without giving a reason.
  4. I understand that I will still be asked to take part in the READY study questionnaires, even if I decide I do not want to be interviewed.
  5. I understand that it will not be possible to remove my data from the project once it forms part of the data set (this will happen after one month).
  6. I agree to the online interview being video recorded.
  7. I agree that any data collected may be published as part of the larger study in anonymous form in academic books, reports, journals or presentations, but I know that the information will never use my name, face or anything else that might identify me.
  8. I agree to anonymised direct quotations from my interview being used in publications, presentation and reports.
  9. I understand that data collected during the study may be looked at by individuals from The University of Manchester or regulatory authorities, where it is relevant to my taking part in this research. I give permission for these individuals to have access to my data.
  10. I agree that my contact details can be kept safely so that I can be contacted about joining the next part of the study. Only the researchers will have access to my details.
  11. I agree that the researchers on the READY project can contact me about related research projects during the time I am involved in the READY study.
  12. I agree that my anonymised data may be shared with researchers at other institutions, but I know that they will not have access to my name or anything else that might identify me.
  13. I understand that if, during the course of the interview, the researchers become worried about me or if I tell them about something that is breaking the law, they will have to break confidentiality. This has been explained in more detail in the information sheet.
  14. I agree to take part in this study.

What Do I Do Now?

If you have any questions about the information in this sheet, please let me know:

If you want to know more about the READY study, explore our website.

If you want to take part, please complete the consent form.
Thank you for reading this!