Centre the study of sexuality and culture: two events in February
Two upcoming events organised by the Centre for the Study of Sexuality and Culture (CSSC)
6 – 7.30 p.m. Tues 25 February 2020
Monica Pearl ‘A Thousand Kindred Spirits’: Reflections on AIDS Activism’
Co-sponsored by CSSC, EAC and the LHIVES Reading Group on HIV.
John Casken LT, Martin Harris Centre
Bridgeford St. University of Manchester M13 9PL
5 – 7 p.m. Thursday 27 February 2020
CSSC Roundtable on Andrea Long Chu’s Females
(London: Verso, 2019)
Daniela Caselli, Honor Gavin, Eleanor Green, Monica Pearl, Sabine Sharpe
Chaired by Jackie Stacey
C1.18 Conference Room, SALC Graduate School,
Ellen Wilkinson Building,
Oxford Rd, University of Manchester, M15 6JA