Research IT Updates
Last Virtual Drop-in Session!
Next Wednesday (21 July) is our last virtual drop-in session before the summer break. Thank you to everyone who has popped into our virtual chat room to speak to members of Research IT about a huge variety of topics including new research project ideas, survey tools, research data storage, computational resources, MATLAB and other research software, and much more! Details of how to join are available on our website.
The University of Manchester joins the SafePod Network
A Safepod has now been installed in the University Library allowing researchers to meet security requirements whilst working with highly restricted data, confidential or personal information.
Providing Edge Compute Services for a New National Facility
The Research IT Edge Compute and Satellite Storage service was launched in August, 2020. Find out how we have been helping the National Research Facility for Lab X-ray Computed Tomography to establish a networked computing and data storage facility
Research Lifecycle Programme Updates
Socially responsible RDM
Drawing on the University’s strategy for research data management (RDM), one of the RLP Research Data Management project’s (Project U) work streams focuses on approaches to Socially Responsible RDM. This examines how aspects of social responsibility can be applied to data generation, analysis, publishing and reuse throughout the research lifecycle.
Within Project U, planning is currently taking place for an audit and report on the environmental footprint of a typical scientific research facility, with a focus on RDM. We want to engage with colleagues across the University who are involved existing initiatives and groups that lead on social responsibility, and those interested in this area. If you’d like to get involved or find out more, please contact
Share your views on using Microsoft 365 and Teams
Colleagues and students from across the University are invited to complete two surveys aimed at creating a programme of training, development and support to help everyone benefit from the use of Microsoft 365.
The IT Modernisation Programme is reviewing the use of Microsoft 365 (MS365) – including MS Teams, Windows 10 and OneDrive – which was deployed rapidly last year in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. They anticipated there would be gaps in training, development and support and are planning to address these gaps via a new project called MS365 Adoption.
To start the MS365 Adoption project, the programme are inviting colleagues and students from across the University to take part in the MS365 User Survey, and the MS Teams for Teaching and Learning Survey.