“What can AI do for Arts, Culture and Creativity Research at UoM?” – Showcase Event, 15 December
What can AI do for Arts, Culture and Creativity Research at UoM?
Date: Wednesday 15 December 2021
Time: 15:00 – 16:30
New technologies in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are providing unprecedented access to cultural heritage, creating new cultural experiences, offering new ways to respond to key research questions in arts, languages, and cultures, and redefining the media and cultural and creative industries landscape. This highly interdisciplinary area opens up a number of exciting possibilities for research, teaching, knowledge exchange, and business engagement.
This event will highlight and map out expertise, strengths and possible directions and areas of future development on AI in arts, languages, culture, and heritage at the University of Manchester. Researchers from across the University of Manchester’s Digital Futures network will spotlight their research in these areas.
Join us to find out more about the University’s research in AI and the Arts and explore possible collaborations.
- Welcome and Context
Dr Kostas Arvanitis, Digital Futures Creative and Heritage Lead - AI Trends, Directions and UoM Strengths
Professor Sophia Ananiadou, Deputy Director, Institute for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence - Modelling User Engagement with Interactive Media
Jonathan Carlton, PhD student, School of Computer Science - Discovering Novel Pathways through Collections: A Museum Recommender System
Lukas Noehrer, PhD student and Co-Organiser of the Alan Turing Institute AI&Arts Group - Using computational linguistics to detect markers of Parkinson’s disease in typing data
Dr Colin Bannard, Senior Lecturer in Linguistics - AI use in creativity and communities (TBC)
Dr Anita Greenhill, Senior Lecturer, AMBS - Experimenting with AI in the Library
Ian Gifford, Head of Digital Development, John Rylands Library - Sad Dog Eating: Composition strategies, hybridisation and distributed creativity with Machine Learning
Zakiya Leeming, Doctoral Composer at the Centre for Practice and Research in Science and Music (PRiSM), Royal Northern College of Music (RNCM) - Classifying Biometric Data for Novel Musical Expression within Composition
Chris Rhodes, PhD Candidate in Music Composition at NOVARS Research Centre - Aura Machine (provisional title)
Vicky Clarke, Artist in Residence at NOVARS Research Centre
Digital Futures:
Digital Futures is a highly interdisciplinary network which operates across the whole range of the University’s digital research.
This is a cross-theme event between the Digital Futures Creative & Heritage and Data Science & AI themes.
To find out more about activity in Digital Futures, sign up to the Digital Futures newsletter here.