Seismic interpretation

Using seismic interpretation to analyse structure, stratigraphy, magmatism and fluid flow in sedimentary basins.

Gas chimney and free gas above salt diapir in the Norwegian-Danish Basin

Gas chimney and free gas above salt diapir in the Norwegian-Danish Basin.

Our seismic interpretation researchers analyse seismic images and volumes to make geological discoveries in sedimentary basins, and to characterise the subsurface in terms of basin evolution, tectonic, igneous and sedimentary processes and fluid flow phenomena. The focus is not on a particular region, basin, basin type, time interval or lithology, and our work supports and underpins most of the other Basins sub groups.

We undertake pure and applied research using several approaches to seismic interpretation including: seismic stratigraphy, seismic geomorphology, seismic inversion and forward modelling.

Contact information

For enquiries in this area, contact Mads Huuse. To find more details of researchers across the Basins group, see the People page.

The majority of our work involves establishing links between geology intersected by wells and imaged in seismic profiles and volumes. We are particularly specialising in glaciated margins and basins, deepwater sedimentation, sediment remobilization and fluid flow, but anything imaged in seismic data is potentially of interest.

While we are not wedded to particular basins or settings, the Atlantic margins and the North Sea tend to dominate our research activities with other significant activities in North Africa, Oceania, Asia and the Middle East. While most of our data have been acquired by the petroleum industry we also use academic seismic data and reuse industry seismic data for purely academic projects and for looking at CO2 sequestration targets in terms of reservoir quality and seal integrity.

Ongoing and recent projects
  • Carbonates: North Sea, South Atlantic, Middle East, Oceania (PhDs)
  • Deepwater: North Sea, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Oceania (MSc, PhDs)
  • Fluid Flow: PhDs in the North Sea, offshore Angola, Cameroon, Namibia, Nigeria, Gul of Mexico, New Zealand, Sumatra
  • Geological carbon sequestration: North Sea (PhD and PDRF)
  • Glaciated Basins: NW Europe, Falklands and West Greenland
  • Igneous Processes: Atlantic, Indian Ocean (MSc, PhD, PDRA)
  • Salt Tectonics: North Sea, Central and South Atlantic (PhDs)
  • Sand Injection: SIRG Phase 3 (JIP), Phase 4 (JIP), PhDs in the North Sea, outcrop and subsurface studies in California, offshore Uruguay, Great South Basin (NZ)


We welcome applications from new research students in any topic involving seismic interpretation of any basin type, geography and age.

Currently available projects
  • Fluid flow in sedimentary basins
  • Giant sandstone intrusions: origin and impacts on basin plumbing systems
  • Glaciation of northern hemisphere basins and margins

Our people

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Our facilities

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