Albrecht Dürer Symposium at The University of Manchester Celebrating the Launch of the Whitworth Exhibition
To celebrate the official launch of the Whitworth exhibition Albrecht Dürer’s Material World, The University of Manchester will host a two-days symposium with
Giulia Bartrum (British Museum), Shira Brisman (Pennsylvania), Matthew Champion (Melbourne), Jeffrey Chipps Smith (Austin), Christine Demele (Albrecht-Dürer-Haus), Dagmar Eichberger (Heidelberg), Holly Fletcher (Manchester), Sasha Handley (Manchester), Stefan Hanß (Manchester), Daniel Hess (Germanisches Nationalmuseum), Imogen Holmes-Roe (Manchester), Andrew Morrall (Bard Graduate Centre), Stephen Mossman (Manchester), Ulinka Rublack (Cambridge), Larry Silver (Pennsylvania), Jenny Spinks (Melbourne), An Van Camp (Ashmolean Museum), Edward Wouk (Manchester), Heike Zech (Germanisches Nationalmuseum), Charles Zika (Melbourne).
This symposium has been organised by Sasha Handley (Manchester) on behalf of the Australian Research Council-funded research project Albrecht Dürer’s Material World (DP210101623).