Placements and teaching opportunities

There are many GP-specific roles available, both in the classroom and in the clinical setting, across all years of the MBChB programme.

We have listed these below with links to pages containing more information on what is expected of you for each placement.

If you’re not sure where to begin, the following placements are particularly well received by both students and GPs:

You can also use the planner document on the Semester dates page to see where and when placements fall within the academic year.

In addition to the below, there are GP-specific roles in Year 3 for Clinical Debrief Facilitators and in Year 4 for Themed Case Discussion (TCD) Facilitators.

Download an At a glance guide to placements and payments for 2024-25 (PDF).

Years 1 and 2

Early Clinical Experience (ECE)

Student numbers and duration: A pair of students for a 6hr day.

Dates: Various dates from late September 2024 – May 2025 to suit your practice.

Activities: ‘Taster’ of GP and community work e.g. talking to a few patients, exploring why patients might come to the GP.


Year 1 students – £272 per pair of students per 6hr day.

Year 2 students – £300 per pair of students per full day as there is a requirement for students in Year 2 to check (under supervision) patient observations such as BP, pulse, temperature, for example, for four stable patients ordinarily attending the practice.

More information: Visit the Early Clinical Experience page.

Year 3

Student Selected Clinical Placement (SSCP)

Student numbers and duration: One student for four weeks.

Dates: Monday 23.06.25 – Friday 11.07.25

Activities: Student experiences the GP’s working environment, including non-clinical aspects, with a view to informing future GP career choice. A great opportunity for positive role modelling.

Payment: £2,040 per student for three weeks.

More information: Visit the Student Selected Clinical Placement page.

Applied Personal Excellence Pathway (APEP)

Student numbers and duration: One student for nine weeks.

Dates:  Monday 22.04.25 – Friday 20.06.25

Activities: Student undertakes an in-depth clinical or non-clinical project such as an audit, service evaluation or systemic review. 1-2 hours with tutor each week.

Payment: £1,800 per student for nine weeks.

More information: Visit the Applied Personal Excellence Pathway page.

Clinical Debrief Facilitator

Student numbers and duration: Five to nine medical students per group. The same GP tutor will have responsibility for a group for 14 consecutive weeks in semester 1 or 10 weeks in semester 2.

Dates: 23.09.24 – 17.01.25 and 20.01.25 – 28.03.25.

Activities: Clinical Debrief sessions are small group sessions for medical students facilitated by experienced GP tutors. They are friendly, non-threatening teaching experiences and promote sharing of experiences. The sessions allow students to practice weighing up clinical decisions they may need to make in complex real life scenarios, enabling them to imagine standing in the shoes of their practicing seniors.

Payment: You will be paid at the commensurate hourly rate as an employee of The University of Manchester.

More information: Visit the Clinical Debrief Facilitator page.

Year 4

Advancing Clinical Practice

Student numbers and duration: One student spends 26 hours per week, from 7am – 9pm, Monday to Sunday (excluding TCD on Fridays) in General Practice.

Dates: GP tutors select up to eight blocks throughout the year. Block 1 starts Monday 9th Sept 2024 and block 8 finishes Friday 23rd May 2025.

Activities: Students to be actively involved in teaching surgeries. Includes other flexible learning opportunities e.g. time with allied health professionals

Payment: £2080 per student for four weeks.

More information: Visit the Year 4 – Advancing Clinical Practice page.

Community Elective

Student numbers and duration: Students will be offered a range of options for a GP Elective, either stand alone or in combination with other activities such as a hybrid GP/hospital placement, a GP/Med Ed placement or a GP/Research placement. 

Dates: Monday 09.06.25 – Friday 04.07.25

Activities: The elective is flexible to the needs of both the GP surgery and the students, and can be tailored, by agreement, to suit both. It does not have to be aligned to the programme. Students attend three days/week over six weeks. 

Payment: Students are now required to self-arrange – we do not provide a payment for these placements.

More information: Visit the Community Elective page.

Themed Case Discussion Facilitator

Student numbers and duration: 4-10 students per group. Facilitated by the same GP during the Year 4 GP block.

Dates: GP tutors select up to eight blocks throughout the year. Each GP block lasts four weeks and tutors will teach for four hours on a Friday morning.

Activities: Teaching sessions are based on the flipped classroom theory, where students complete online learning earlier in the week so they can apply this learning to a higher degree in structured teaching.

Payment: You will be paid at the commensurate hourly rate as an employee of The University of Manchester.

More information: Visit the Themed Case Discussion Facilitator page.

Year 5 (Semester 1)

GP Block - Student Assistantship

Student numbers and duration: One student for 29 hours per week (Long/short days), between 7am-9pm, Monday to Sunday. Blocks are five weeks long.

Dates: GP tutors select up to four blocks between 02.09.24 – 07.02.25

Activities:  3 hours of online small group Advanced Clinical Debrief teaching will be provided by the University (timetable tbc). Student leads on consultations (remote/F2F) creating management plans, drafting referrals, reviewing pathology results, actioning hospital correspondence under supervision in preparation for F1.

Payment: £2,900 per student for five weeks.

More information: Visit the Year 5 – Student Assistantship page.

Year 5 (Semester 2)


Student numbers and duration: One student for four weeks.

Dates: GP tutors select one or two blocks from the following:

  • 24.03.25 – 17.04.25
  • 22.04.25 – 16.05.25

Activities: Student produces either a lay document with a written report or an audit. Minimum three days per week in practice, which includes two clinical sessions.

Payment: £1,600 per student for four weeks.

More information: Visit the Quality and Evidence Personal Excellence Pathway page.

Career / Population Health

Student numbers and duration: One student for four weeks. Dates: GP tutors select one or two blocks from the following:

  • 24.03.25 – 17.04.25
  • 22.04.25 – 16.05.25

Activities: This is a clinical placement with Population Health learning objectives that are assessed in the form of one short reflective piece broadly covering their understanding of the healthcare needs for population group(s) encountered on their placement; e.g. where they demonstrated knowledge of the applicable public health policies; appropriate preventative care or demonstrated a working knowledge of key social and health challenges around resource allocation for the group(s) they identify.

Payment: £2201.50 – per student for four weeks.

More information: Visit the Careers / Population Health page.

How to sign up

If you are interested in taking up any of the above opportunities with CBME, see how you can get started.


All the partners were superb at facilitating my learning, from allowing me to observe complex consultations and talking me through them along the way, to allowing me to see patients independently and feeding back on my approach and management plans. This worked absolute wonders with my confidence. The practice is a very friendly, homely environment where you feel at ease! 

Year 5 student 2023-24