Getting started
It’s easy to get started. If you would like to become a new GP tutor, you should contact us at:
Following your initial enquiry, you will be allocated a named Community team Link Lecturer and administrator. They will guide you through the process of becoming a Clinical Placement Supervisor (CPS).
Choosing your teaching options
Various placement teaching options are available, and our team will support you whatever you choose.
Find out more about your options on the Placements and teaching opportunities page.
If you are interested in other teaching opportunities, our staff will provide you with information about requirements and application. Contact us using the details above to find out more.
Required training
You will need to attend some training, PRiME Core – GP Clinical Placement Supervisor (CPS), to prepare you for having students at your practice. Further training is also available after you’ve started teaching our students. Learn more on the Staff development page.
You may also apply for NHS membership of The University of Manchester Library. Find out about the benefits of University library membership on the Why get involved? page.
Final steps
There are various teaching options to choose from. To help you decide your Community team Link Lecturer will meet with you to talk through the teaching opportunities and quality assure your practice for undergraduate teaching.
You will need to complete an availability form with your team and pass this back to us. You will then be ready to receive students at your practice, with ongoing support from the Community team throughout.
For as long as you teach students at your practice, you will:
- receive a quality improvement (QI) report (containing student evaluation data and comments) from your named lecturer after the end of each academic year
- receive a quality assurance (Q&A) visit from your named lecturer every three years